What About the Bible’s Silence on Aliens?
Do aliens exist? And if they do, would this undermine the credibility of the Bible?
For some, the possible existence of extraterrestrial life raises theological questions: Why is the Bible silent on the subject? Are aliens capable of relationship with God? Are they fallen? If so, did Christ die for them? If Christ’s death on our planet does not apply to them, does God have a plan of salvation specific to them? While these are all interesting questions, I will focus on the first.
The Silent Scriptures
Some suppose that the Bible’s silence on the issue is problematic. Unbelievers might suppose that if aliens do exist and the Bible doesn’t talk about them, this would somehow...
PhD, is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Apologetics at Oklahoma Baptist University. He’s passionate about mentoring Christians in the life of the mind.
Get Salvo in your inbox! This article originally appeared in Salvo, Issue #72, Spring 2025 Copyright © 2025 Salvo | www.salvomag.com https://salvomag.com/article/salvo72/it-is-not-written