Religion— SALVO #72— 3 MIN. READ It Is Not Written What About the Bible’s Silence on Aliens? by Keith Hess
Philosophy— SALVO #71— 3 MIN. READ Starters, Nonstarters & False Starts The Post Hoc Fallacy by Keith Hess
Religion— SALVO #70— 3 MIN. READ Fallen Christians, Perfect God Why the Existence of Hypocrites Doesn’t Falsify Christianity by Keith Hess
Philosophy— SALVO #69— 3 MIN. READ Seek First to Understand Confirmation Bias & How to Avoid It by Keith Hess
Philosophy— SALVO #68— 3 MIN. READ If God, Why Evil? The False Dilemma of the Problem of Evil by Keith Hess
Philosophy— SALVO #67— 3 MIN. READ On Whose Say-So? The Appeal to Unqualified Authority by Keith Hess
Philosophy— SALVO #65— 3 MIN. READ The Wrong Bandwagon Don't Be Fooled by the Right Side of History by Keith Hess
Media— SALVO #61— 2 MIN. READ Body Slamming The Ad Hominem Fallacy and How to Respond to It by Terrell Clemmons