One Woman’s Journey from Transgender to Transformed
If I had known in 2007 that God’s creation of male and female was not only good but impossible to alter, I would have saved myself a tremendous amount of pain and suffering. At the time, I would have repeated the typical cultural catchphrase that I was “born that way.” I believed I was a man trapped in a woman’s body and that the only way I could be “my authentic self” was to transition from female to male.
Looking back, I see the threads of lies that had been woven into my heart. They sowed bitterness and envy in the depths of my soul, which led me to reject myself and long to be someone else.
Abused & Confused
When I was young, my mother was...
is on staff with First Stone Ministries and is the author of Transgender to Transformed: A Story of Transition That Will Truly Set You Free. She and her husband Perry live near Oklahoma City.
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