LGBTQ+— SALVO #71— 9 MIN. READ Finding Laura One Woman’s Journey from Transgender to Transformed by Laura Perry Smalts
LGBTQ+— SALVO #71— 2 MIN. READ Misguided Compassion How The Trevor Project Sidelines Parents in the Name of Saving Children by Emily Morales
LGBTQ+— SALVO #70— 8 MIN. READ Y It Matters When It Comes to Strength & Speed, It Matters a Lot by Bruce Woodall
LGBTQ+— 6 MIN. READ What about the Children Raised by Gay Parents? Examining The Data Behind Claims of “No Difference” by Katie Breckenridge
LGBTQ+— SALVO #67— 2 MIN. READ Queering the Catalog The Openly Radicalized American Library Association by Emily Morales
LGBTQ+— 10 MIN. READ How to Not be Voldemort Courage, Wisdom, and Kindness in "The Witch Trials of J. K. Rowling" by Daniel Witt
LGBTQ+— SALVO #66— 5 MIN. READ Targeting Practice Homosexual Men Have Long Sought Out Children for Sex by Nicole M. King
LGBTQ+— SALVO #66— 8 MIN. READ My Therapy, My Choice The Alliance for Therapeutic Choice & Scientific Integrity by Christopher H. Rosik
LGBTQ+— 7 MIN. READ May the Best Man Win? Honesty Should Admit No Discourse to Beauty Contests by Devin O'Donnell
LGBTQ+— 5 MIN. READ Redeeming the Rainbow Bringing History to Bear on Rainbow Symbolism, Past and Present by Richard. A. Hayes
LGBTQ+— 4 MIN. READ And the Beast Goes On Bestiality and other Fetishes Signal a Civilization in Decline by Neil English
LGBTQ+— SALVO #65— 8 MIN. READ Gen Granular The Disintegration of Identity in the Digital Age (and How to Overcome It) by Joshua Pauling
LGBTQ+— 5 MIN. READ Powers & Principalities Behind Stonewall On the Origins of “Pride Month” and the Tactics of Political Activism by Bob Perry
LGBTQ+— SALVO #65— 2 MIN. READ Kinksters R' Us Keeping the World Safe for Pedophiles by Emily Morales
LGBTQ+— 5 MIN. READ A Question of Hubris When Every Month is “Pride Month” and the Church is Expected to Celebrate by Bob Perry
LGBTQ+— SALVO #64— 5 MIN. READ UK Woke Watch Update Dispatches from a World Going Mad & Madder by Neil English
LGBTQ+— SALVO #64— 5 MIN. READ Pied Pipers & All That Jazz Permissive Parenting & Childhood Confusion by Nicole M. King
LGBTQ+— SALVO #64— 2 MIN. READ WPATHological WPATH Takes Gender Deconstruction to a New Low by Emily Morales
LGBTQ+— 4 MIN. READ Transgender Jesus? Trinity College Cambridge Revives Ancient Gnostic Heresy by Neil English
LGBTQ+— 5 MIN. READ “E” is for “Eunuch” The Degradation of Human Sexuality Continues Unabated by Nicole M. King
LGBTQ+— 6 MIN. READ Autistic and Dysconnected Why Autistic Young People are More Susceptible to Transgender Messaging by Emily Morales
LGBTQ+— 6 MIN. READ Incarnation versus Excarnation Dysconnected Breaks Down the Transgender Anti-Gospel and Exposes Its Root Conflict with Biblical Anthropology by Joshua Pauling
LGBTQ+— 4 MIN. READ LGBTQIA … Z? Zoophile Pride Illustrates the Spiral of Human Depravity by Neil English
LGBTQ+— 4 MIN. READ The Mesmerizing Voice of Malevolence How Trans Ideology Epitomizes Mass Formation by Emily Morales
LGBTQ+— 6 MIN. READ Male Pregnancy and the New Witch-Hunting Looking Beneath the Surface of the Hawley-Bridges Exchange by Robin Phillips
LGBTQ+— 5 MIN. READ Casualties of the Sex Wars Does Normalizing Queer and Trans Ideology Hurt Kids? by Amanda Witt
LGBTQ+— 3 MIN. READ Good News for Free Speech Finland Attempts to Go Full Orwell and Fails by Rick Reed
LGBTQ+— 4 MIN. READ Women as Personae non Grata How Judge Jackson’s Stumble over “Woman” Reflects the Strange New World by Emily Morales
LGBTQ+— 5 MIN. READ Out of the MAP Closet The Pedophiles and their Apologists Are on the Move by Neil English
LGBTQ+— SALVO #59— 3 MIN. READ False Positives The Dangerous "Science" Behind Gender Transitioning by John Stonestreet and Roberto Rivera
LGBTQ+— 2 MIN. READ Transphobic Hoax or Media Cover-Up? What the Media Isn't Telling You About the Wi Spa Scandal by Trigger Anderson
LGBTQ+— 5 MIN. READ A Sex-Obsessed Man, a California Spa, a Street Riot, and the new Jim Crow by Trigger Anderson
LGBTQ+— 5 MIN. READ July As “Survivor” Month Celebrating the Embattled Survivors of Pride Month Activism by Emily Morales
LGBTQ+— SALVO #57— 10 MIN. READ Finding a Different Path New Laws Are Making It Harder to Get Help Walking Away from LGBTQ-ism by John D. Martin
LGBTQ+— 5 MIN. READ The APA's Religious Discrimination Christian Colleges Under Fire From Psychological Association by Laurie Higgins
LGBTQ+— 4 MIN. READ Arkansas Pushback Will Resistance Rise to Defeat Leftist Storytelling? by Nicole M. King
LGBTQ+— 2 MIN. READ Shapeshifting Propaganda CNN Struggles with PC Trans Terminology by Jennifer Roback Morse
LGBTQ+— 3 MIN. READ Making History and Denying Science How a Politically-Correct Appointment Hurts Everyone by Emily Morales
LGBTQ+— 3 MIN. READ Beating Girls A Presidential Signature Signifies the Demise of Female Sports by Nicole M. King
LGBTQ+— 3 MIN. READ Puberty Blocker Blockage A UK Court Decision Thwarts Trans Abuse by Nicole M. King
LGBTQ+— 4 MIN. READ Preventive (Gender) Medicine "In His Image" Packs a Compassionate, Megadose of Gender Reality by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— 3 MIN. READ Boarding a Runaway Train? Was an 8-Year-Old Biden’s Trip Wire in the ”Trans” Debate? by Faith Kuzma
LGBTQ+— 4 MIN. READ Silencing Opposition PC Culture Shuts Down the Transgender Discussion by Nicole M. King
LGBTQ+— SALVO #53— 6 MIN. READ Cruel & Unusual How Gay-Affirming Culture Fosters Same-Sex Abuse by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— SALVO #53— 3 MIN. READ Perverse Readings Your Kids Should Not Check Out Drag Queen Story Hour by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— SALVO #53— 6 MIN. READ Coming Out Wrong Adult Sexuality for Kids & Adolescence for Adults by Nicole M. King
LGBTQ+— SALVO #53— 3 MIN. READ Sexual Programming LGBTQ's Grip on U.S. Education: A sidebar to Cruel & Unusual by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— SALVO #53— 6 MIN. READ Discoloring History You May Want to Find Out What's in Your Child's Classroom Library by Joshua Pauling
LGBTQ+— 3 MIN. READ Don’t Rainbow on Our Parade Staten Island Stands Its Ground for its St. Paddy’s Parade by Salvo
LGBTQ+— 4 MIN. READ Blood Politics How Placating the LGBTQ+ Movement Impacts the Blood Industry by Emily Morales
LGBTQ+— SALVO #52— 3 MIN. READ Twenty-One & Not Counting Will Gender Ideology Derail Scottish Common Sense? by James M. Kushiner
LGBTQ+— 4 MIN. READ A Perfect Solution to a Perfect Storm Gay Meth Addicts Don't Need More Government Intervention; They Need A Savior by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— 4 MIN. READ "Hate Crime" Storytelling Matthew Shepard Was a Victim in More Ways Than People Think by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— 4 MIN. READ Milking Harvey The U.S. Navy Is Honoring a Known Sexual Predator in the Name of Progress by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— 5 MIN. READ Victims of the Marketplace Idols When Children and Science are Sacrificed in Service to the Transgender Dogma by Emily Morales
LGBTQ+— 4 MIN. READ Bacon's "Enchanted Glass" What the LGBTQ+ Movement is Actually Reflecting by Emily Morales
LGBTQ+— 4 MIN. READ Where's the Hate? The Hate Crime that Never Was and a Hoax Nobody's Talking About by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— 2 MIN. READ Not “Born That Way” After All Huge Scientific Study Demolishes a Favorite Myth by Salvo
LGBTQ+— 3 MIN. READ Once Upon a Train Wreck Dear Environmentalists: Conservatives Love Nature Too … So, Try Reasoning with Us by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— SALVO #51— 8 MIN. READ Sexual Dissonance LGBT Suicide: Where the Conflict Really Lies by Mike Mitchell
LGBTQ+— 5 MIN. READ E-Racing Women's Sports So much for the hard-won athletic opportunities women gained from Title IX by Laurie Higgins
LGBTQ+— 5 MIN. READ MENstruating Men A Freakish New World Where Inclusivity Erases Sex by Laurie Higgins
LGBTQ+— 2 MIN. READ The New Crime of "Misgendering" Losing Our Minds (and Jobs) Over Transgender Pronouns by Marcia Segelstein
LGBTQ+— 4 MIN. READ Trans Deception Scam This Medical Scandal Needs More Whistleblowers by Laurie Higgins
LGBTQ+— SALVO #50— 2 MIN. READ The Underground Unicorn Brave Commons & the Subversion of Christian Academia by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— SALVO #48— 9 MIN. READ Shame Free Ty Wyss: Beloved Son, Gentle Iconoclast by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— SALVO #47— 9 MIN. READ The Rise & Fall of LGBTx-ology Sexual Identity Fraud & the Restorative Potential of Reparative Therapy by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— SALVO #46— 12 MIN. READ Battle Royale The LGBTQ Lobby Goes to the Mat Over Toilet Space by Amy Contrada
LGBTQ+— SALVO #43— 4 MIN. READ Boys Don't Bleed Male Periods? How to Stay Sane in a Mad World by Nicole M. King
LGBTQ+— SALVO #43— 6 MIN. READ Hearts at Rest Untangling Attractions, Addictions & Other Restless Loves by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— SALVO #43— 11 MIN. READ Arts, Letters & a Warrior's Pen The Double Deliverance of Robert Oscar Lopez by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— SALVO #42— 17 MIN. READ Engendered Confusion The Chaos of Postmodern Sexuality by Laurie Higgins
LGBTQ+— SALVO #42— 6 MIN. READ Our Answer Is Affirmative First Responder Training on the Scene of Gender Chaos by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— SALVO #41— 9 MIN. READ False Identities Unbearable Statistics & Bad Ideas About Homosexuality by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— SALVO #40— 2 MIN. READ I'm Not Me A Procrustean Bed of Pronominal Correctness by Michael Cook
LGBTQ+— SALVO #39— 4 MIN. READ Surgical Strikeout If FGM Is Barbaric, Isn't Sex-Change Surgery Abusive? by Michael Cook
LGBTQ+— SALVO #39— 10 MIN. READ Bodies of Evidence What a New Scientific Study Shows & Does Not Show About Sex—and About Science by Richard N. Williams
LGBTQ+— SALVO #39— 9 MIN. READ Crossing the Rainbow Reflections at the Intersection of Christianity & Homosexuality by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— SALVO #39— 4 MIN. READ The Comeback Man Walt Heyer Regrets His Sex-Change Surgery by Heather Zeiger
LGBTQ+— SALVO #39— 2 MIN. READ Love, Rhetorically Using a Powerful Word Doesn't Mean Your Argument Is Logical by Tom Gilson
LGBTQ+— SALVO #38— 9 MIN. READ Doctors Delusional Transgender Disorder & Really Bad Psychiatry by Boris Vatel, M.D.
LGBTQ+— SALVO #38— 11 MIN. READ The New Sex Primer Transgenderism Is Forced into Public Schools by Laurie Higgins
LGBTQ+— SALVO #38— 8 MIN. READ Pandora's Nursery Adults Raised by Gays Take Up the Cause of Children's Rights by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— SALVO #38— 2 MIN. READ When Homosexuality Comes Home A Review of How Do You Like Me Now? When a Child, Parent, Spouse, or Sibling Says They're Gay by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— SALVO #35— 8 MIN. READ Ninja Christian Caleb Kaltenbach & the Tension of Loving Gay Parents with Grace & Truth by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— SALVO #34— 6 MIN. READ The Battle of Walkerton Kevin O'Connor & the Defiant Survival of Memories Pizza by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— SALVO #33— 5 MIN. READ Twins Speak Jason & David Benham Drew Fire Because of Love by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— SALVO #33— 2 MIN. READ A Loving Proposal A Review of Same-Sex Marriage: A Thoughtful Approach to God's Design for Marriage by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— SALVO #31— 2 MIN. READ The Temper of a Revolution A Review of Making Gay Okay: How Rationalizing Homosexual Behavior Is Changing Everything by Robert R. Reilly by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— SALVO #31— 7 MIN. READ The New Incubators How Same-Sex Marriage Is Changing the World of Surrogacy by Blake Adams
LGBTQ+— SALVO #30— 6 MIN. READ Married to God The Sexual Ruin & Redemption of David Kyle Foster by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— SALVO #29— 9 MIN. READ Ill Founders The Sex Educators Who Spawned Today's Madness by Miriam Grossman
LGBTQ+— SALVO #28— 13 MIN. READ Don't Make a Right Ten Wrong Arguments for Same-Sex Marriage Refuted by Regis Nicoll
LGBTQ+— SALVO #23— 15 MIN. READ Unmaking a Difference Is Gender Neutrality the New Stereotype? by Robin Phillips
LGBTQ+— SALVO #22— 8 MIN. READ Apples, Oranges & Gay Marriage Or the Name Game & Hidden Assumptions by Robin Phillips
LGBTQ+— SALVO #16— 7 MIN. READ Tales from the Closet A New Book Celebrates Another Sexual Outlaw & Kinsey Collaborator by Judith Reisman
LGBTQ+— SALVO #15— 11 MIN. READ Wedding Plans What's the Harm in the Same-Sex Marriage Agenda? by Alan F. H. Wisdom
LGBTQ+— SALVO #11— 14 MIN. READ Gender Benders Is My Sexual Identity an Accident Just Waiting to Happen? by Robin Phillips
LGBTQ+— SALVO #6— 13 MIN. READ The Tyranny of the Minority How the Forced Recognition of Same-Sex "Marriage" Undermines a Free Society by S. T. Karnick