Counting to God

A Journey Back to Faith Through Science

When I was a child, I sensed that there was a purpose behind the universe, and that comforted me. My parents took me to church and Sunday school, but I don’t remember learning anything about Jesus or the Gospel. Nothing sunk in, and that was probably because I was a very distracted kid.

High-School Science vs. Faith

I left the faith in high school. I was (and still am) quite the nerd, and as I learned more about science, science seemed to contradict the Bible. What really shook me was something called the Miller-Urey experiment. It was in my high-school textbook, and although it has long been discredited, it still appears in many science textbooks.

In 1953, two scientists mixed the chemicals...


Douglas Ell graduated early from MIT, where he double majored in math and physics. He then obtained a master’s in theoretical mathematics. After graduating from law school, he became a prominent attorney. Ell drafted the first 401(k) plan in professional sports and has represented a number of nationally recognized corporations, unions, and pension plans. His legal training and work, combined with his academic science background and a lifetime of independent study, have given him a uniquely grounded approach to science, religion, and philosophy and the ability to untangle the confused and often emotional relationship between science and religion.

This article originally appeared in Salvo, Issue #70, Fall 2024 Copyright © 2024 Salvo |


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