Intelligent Design— SALVO #57— 9 MIN. READ A Cocktail Party Challenge Defending the Existence of the Mind Among Naturalist Atheists by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #72— 8 MIN. READ Darwin's Orphan Nemesis An Army of Orphan Genes Plagues Evolutionary Theory by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #72— 9 MIN. READ Naturally Optimized Why We Can Be Grateful for “Natural Disasters” by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #72— 8 MIN. READ Not in Our Stars Where Are All the Aliens? by John D. Martin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #72— 5 MIN. READ Marvel of Marvels Your Body Is a Walking System of Systems by Richard W. Stevens
Intelligent Design— SALVO #71— 8 MIN. READ Revisiting the Tree of Life The Species Are Related—The Question is How? by Tom Siewert and Elizabeth Siewert
Intelligent Design— SALVO #71— 9 MIN. READ Which Came First? It’s Not Just about Chickens & Eggs by Guillermo Gonzalez and Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #71— 8 MIN. READ In the Beginning James Webb Space Telescope Affirms Creation by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #70— 6 MIN. READ More Than Matter A Review of Minding the Brain by Amanda Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #70— 5 MIN. READ Counting to God A Journey Back to Faith Through Science by Douglas Ell
Intelligent Design— SALVO #70— 8 MIN. READ God & the Odds of ET New Space Telescopes Aren’t the Only Game Changer by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #70— 7 MIN. READ Sun Spotting Is the Aurora Borealis a Beautiful Wonder or a Portent of Doom? by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #69— 9 MIN. READ Made to Know A Conversation with Dr. Stephen C. Meyer by Terrell Clemmons
Intelligent Design— SALVO #69— 5 MIN. READ The Big Bluff Darwin’s Unfulfilled Promissory Note by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #69— 8 MIN. READ Subatomic Weirdness The Bizarre, Baffling, Beautiful Design of Nothing (& Everything) by Ken Pedersen
Intelligent Design— SALVO #68— 7 MIN. READ Reaping the Wokewind When Materialism Turns on Its Own by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #68— 15 MIN. READ Signs in the Sky The Wonder of Our Solar Eclipses by Guillermo Gonzalez
Intelligent Design— SALVO #68— 11 MIN. READ Comb Jellies for the Win Sponges May Not Be the Oldest Anymore. What Does This Mean for the “Tree of Life”? by Daniel Witt
Intelligent Design— 6 MIN. READ Signs of Design A Review of Canceled Science: What Some Atheists Don’t Want You to See, by Eric Hedin, Ph.D. by Neil English
Intelligent Design— 5 MIN. READ Prebiotic Nonstarters Origin-of-Life Scientists Fail to Meet James Tour’s 60-Day Challenge by Neil English
Intelligent Design— SALVO #67— 6 MIN. READ Earlier than Thought Evolutionary Theorists Stymied by the Human Mind by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #67— 8 MIN. READ Nothing to See Here! Inquiring Minds Dare Not Question Dominant Narratives by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— 7 MIN. READ Nature’s Shows of Light & Form Using Binoculars to Explore the Creation by Neil English
Intelligent Design— SALVO #66— 8 MIN. READ Ingeniously Made Systems Biology & the Engineer Who Leaves Big Tech in the Dust by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #66— 9 MIN. READ Super Moon Without Our Lunar Partner There Would Be No Life on Earth by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #66— 15 MIN. READ Life’s “Abominable” Big Bang The Cambrian Explosion as Evidence for Intelligent Design by Günter Bechly
Intelligent Design— 4 MIN. READ Stars Telling Tales JWST Images Continue to Confirm a Genesis-Like Creation Event by Neil English
Intelligent Design— 6 MIN. READ Evangelical Christians and Human Origins Evaluating Proposed Models by Neil English
Intelligent Design— SALVO #65— 9 MIN. READ Dead Man Waking How I Left the Stumbling Block of Evolution Behind & Found a Living Faith by J. Robert Kirk
Intelligent Design— SALVO #65— 8 MIN. READ Rank Racism Darwin's Deadly Racist Views on Homo Sapiens by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #65— 4 MIN. READ Who's in the Human Family? A Sidebar to "Homo Fabricator" by Hugh Ross by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #65— 8 MIN. READ Homo Fabricator Is Tool Use Monkey Business or Unique to Humans? by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #65— 15 MIN. READ Science & the Wildness of Aslan Wisdom Counsels Intellectual Humility in the Scientific Enterprise by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #65— 7 MIN. READ Flights of Imagination An Engineer Examines Darwinian Explanations by Dan Waddill
Intelligent Design— SALVO #65— 2 MIN. READ See No Info INFORMATION: n. "knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or instruction" by Rick Reed
Intelligent Design— 4 MIN. READ Minecraft and Minds The Secret Behind the World’s Most Successful Game by Amanda Witt
Intelligent Design— 6 MIN. READ Clueless at the Intersection of Chemistry & Life The Wretched Plight of "Professor" Dave on Origin-of-Life Science by Neil English
Intelligent Design— 4 MIN. READ Losing LUCA Origin-of-Life Science Pushes Cellular Complexity Back to the Beginning of Life by Neil English
Intelligent Design— 7 MIN. READ Laying the Junk DNA Hypothesis to Rest The ENCODE Project Yields Yet More Falsification of Neo-Darwinism by John D. Martin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #64— 9 MIN. READ The Unidentified Intelligence Paradox The Search for ET Artifacts Misses the Elephant by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #64— 7 MIN. READ Spineless Wonders Octopus Intelligence Shakes Up Darwin’s Tree by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #64— 8 MIN. READ New Eyes on the Heavens Insights from the James Webb Space Telescope by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #64— 11 MIN. READ Ingenious Ants How the Humble Leafcutter Ant Exhibits Complex Programmed Behaviors by Emily Morales
Intelligent Design— 2 MIN. READ Darwin Comes to Africa A Case Study on the Consequences of Wrong Ideas by Amanda Witt
Intelligent Design— 6 MIN. READ Debating Life's Square One Materialist Origin Myths and their More Intelligent Counterpart by John D. Martin
Intelligent Design— 6 MIN. READ Picking on the Wrong Guy “Professor Dave” Digs a Pit for James Tour … but Falls into It Himself by Neil English
Intelligent Design— 5 MIN. READ Multiverse or God Which is the Better Origin Story? by Andrew McDiarmid
Intelligent Design— 5 MIN. READ Painfully Beautiful Update on the James Webb Space Telescope by Neil English
Intelligent Design— 11 MIN. READ The Divided Brain How a Design Perspective Integrates the Left-Brain/Right-Brain Dichotomy by Robin Phillips
Intelligent Design— 3 MIN. READ Your Designed Body An Engineer and a Physician Explain Just How Remarkable You Are by Amanda Witt
Intelligent Design— 6 MIN. READ Big Bang Denial Lives Scientist Holding onto Eternal Universe Model Has a High Evidential Hurdle to Clear by Neil English
Intelligent Design— 5 MIN. READ Of Science and SETI Carnival Barker Science Reporting Continues by John D. Martin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #62— 2 MIN. READ Finely Tuned Life A Review of Fit for a Purpose: Does the Anthropic Principle Include Biochemistry? by Fazale Rana by Emily Morales
Intelligent Design— SALVO #62— 8 MIN. READ The Giraffe’s Neck Its Evolutionary Explanation Is One Long Stretch by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #62— 8 MIN. READ Ground Zero Why Einstein’s Theory Is Such a Big Deal by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #62— 6 MIN. READ The End Game Perfect Order & the Second Law of Thermodynamics by Bob Perry
Intelligent Design— 5 MIN. READ The Wonder of Water Little-Known but Essential Properties of a Meager Molecule by Neil English
Intelligent Design— 8 MIN. READ Not So Suboptimal After All Will Collaboration Between Engineers and Biologists Affirm Optimal Design? by Emily Morales
Intelligent Design— 2 MIN. READ Mysteries of the Mind A Conversation Between a Neurosurgeon and a Neurotheologian by Amanda Witt
Intelligent Design— 4 MIN. READ Converging on a Creator New Research Suggests Problems with Evolutionary Theory Run More than Skin Deep by Neil English
Intelligent Design— 5 MIN. READ Panspermia Redux Scientists Look to Sky-gods to Explain the Origin of Life by Neil English
Intelligent Design— 4 MIN. READ More Trouble for Darwinism Species Pairs & The Waiting Time Problem by Neil English
Intelligent Design— SALVO #61— 6 MIN. READ A Deep-Running Miracle A Review of "The Miracle of Man: The Fine Tuning of Nature for Human Existence" by Michael Denton by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #61— 9 MIN. READ A Biological Big Bang The Cambrian Explosion Becomes More Explosive by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #61— 16 MIN. READ The Ghosts of Modern Science How Darwin & Huxley Redefined the World by Jason Cherry
Intelligent Design— SALVO #61— 11 MIN. READ Unnecessary Shame What Lessons Can Christians Learn from the Evangelical Debate Over Adam & Eve? by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— 5 MIN. READ Chopsticks, Spoons, & Snowflakes and another Design Critique Fail ID Objection Neglects the Specificity Component of the Inference to Design by John D. Martin
Intelligent Design— 7 MIN. READ Big Eye on the Sky What the James Webb Space Telescope May Reveal about our Universe by Neil English
Intelligent Design— SALVO #60— 10 MIN. READ Lost in Sequence Space The Darwinian Mechanism's Problem of Ballooning Improbabilities by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #60— 8 MIN. READ Sun in a Million The Case for the Rarity of Our Solar System Strengthens by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— 4 MIN. READ If We Build a Telescope Big Enough, Can We See God? An Astronomer Gives a Good Answer to a Silly Question by Terrell Clemmons
Intelligent Design— SALVO #59— 2 MIN. READ A Definitive Farewell A Review of "Taking Leave of Darwin: A Longtime Agnostic Discovers the Case for Design," by Neil Thomas by Terrell Clemmons
Intelligent Design— SALVO #59— 11 MIN. READ Monkey Business Intelligent Design in the Hit Show "Community" by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #59— 9 MIN. READ The Red Sky Paradox The Sun & Sky Should Be Red—But They Aren't by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #59— 8 MIN. READ Science Settled The Big Bang & Christian Cosmology by Michael S. Guintard
Intelligent Design— 5 MIN. READ “Trust in Science,” They Say But What Happens when Science Gets Fused with Imagination? by Terrell Clemmons
Intelligent Design— 3 MIN. READ Dr. Stephen Meyer on the Return of the God Hypothesis You Can be a Full Christian and a Real Scientist at the Same Time by Robin Phillips
Intelligent Design— SALVO #58— 2 MIN. READ The Evidence Strikes Back A Review of The Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries Revealing the Mind Behind the Universe by Stephen C. Meyer by Terrell Clemmons
Intelligent Design— SALVO #58— 6 MIN. READ Near-Death Puzzles A Review of Bruce Greyson's After by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #58— 9 MIN. READ The Weasel Program What Hath Darwin to Do with Shakespeare, Richard Dawkins? by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #58— 8 MIN. READ Still Looking for a Date Uncertainties & Systematic Errors in Dating Human Origins by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #58— 11 MIN. READ Metamorphosis Another Severe Challenge to Darwinian Evolution by Tom Siewert and Elizabeth Siewert
Intelligent Design— 4 MIN. READ Gratuitous Affirmation When Affirming Words Supplant Epistemological Rigor by Emily Morales
Intelligent Design— 6 MIN. READ Summer School Lessons from Actias Luna Rediscovering a Natural Flying System through the Eyes of Design by Emily Morales
Intelligent Design— 4 MIN. READ Epistemological Surrender Sorting out Conflicting Authority Claims at the Intersection of Science & Faith by Terrell Clemmons
Intelligent Design— SALVO #57— 24 MIN. READ An Unpeaceful Peace Joshua Swamidass's Methods and Models for Reconciling Science and Faith are Problematic Scientifically, Theologically, and Rhetorically by Terrell Clemmons and Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #57— 10 MIN. READ Don’t Ask Common Descent or Common Design? by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #57— 9 MIN. READ No Place Like Home? Are There Planets More Habitable Than Earth? by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #57— 11 MIN. READ The Odds & the Ends The Chances of Our Three-Tiered Reality Being a Meaningless Accident Are Nil by Ken Pedersen
Intelligent Design— 4 MIN. READ The Signs Are There The God Hypothesis Versus Atheist Science Denial by Michael Egnor
Intelligent Design— 4 MIN. READ Macbeth vs. Darwin The Naturalist’s Gambit That Failed Unnoticed by James M. Kushiner
Intelligent Design— 4 MIN. READ Cancelling Creation In the Name of “Academic Freedom,” a Scientist Calls for Punishing Creationists by David Klinghoffer
Intelligent Design— 4 MIN. READ The "Multiverse" Myth The Atheists' Tactic to Avoid Real Science by Michael Egnor
Intelligent Design— SALVO #56— 5 MIN. READ The Passé Scientist Darwin's Loyalists Keep Dwindling in Number by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #56— 6 MIN. READ Darwin's Black Bog The Case for Blind Evolution Remains Stuck by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— 4 MIN. READ Dogging Darwin Tom Bethell Had a Journalist’s Nose for an Untold Story by James M. Kushiner
Intelligent Design— SALVO #55— 10 MIN. READ A Piece of Work Intelligent Design & the Restoration of Story by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #55— 8 MIN. READ The Milky Way Diet Our Galaxy's Just-Right Consumption Habits by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— 3 MIN. READ Six Seconds on an Asteroid Big Numbers, the Big Bang, and Little Bennu by Michael Howard
Intelligent Design— SALVO #54— 8 MIN. READ Set for Life The Exquisite Design of Earth's Internal Thermostat by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #54— 8 MIN. READ The Grandest Program The Hyper-Dynamics of Your DNA Will Blow Your Mind! by Ken Pedersen
Intelligent Design— SALVO #53— 2 MIN. READ It Only Gets Deeper A Review of The Mystery of Life's Origin: The Continuing Controversy by Terrell Clemmons
Intelligent Design— SALVO #53— 9 MIN. READ Watching Our Maker Both Theology & Science Undermine New Conjectures About God & Evolution by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #53— 11 MIN. READ Twelve Steps Forward The Trends in Science Continuing to Aid Intelligent Design by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #53— 8 MIN. READ The Speciation Enigma The Presumed Evolutionary & Fossil Record Trees Are Strikingly Divergent by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #53— 11 MIN. READ Immaterial Mind Kenneth Miller's Epic Failure of Evolutionary Guesswork by Richard W. Stevens
Intelligent Design— 3 MIN. READ Enlightenment 2.0 in Living Color Illustra Media’s "Unlocking the Mystery of Life" Looks at the Launch of the Intelligent Design Movement in Science by Terrell Clemmons
Intelligent Design— 4 MIN. READ Of Royal Robes & Lilies Sentimentality is Never an Appropriate Hermeneutic by Emily Morales
Intelligent Design— 5 MIN. READ The Virus Busters Marveling at the Old Technology of Antibodies by Emily Morales
Intelligent Design— 4 MIN. READ Nature as Fiber Artist? With Tools Outmatching Knitting Needles & Crochet Hooks, Nature Designs with Sophisticated Stitchery by Emily Morales
Intelligent Design— 3 MIN. READ The Bible as a Source Document? The Transcendental Authorship of Scripture Makes it an Excellent Source for Discoveries in Science by Emily Morales
Intelligent Design— SALVO #52— 7 MIN. READ The Storied Night A Review of The Story of the Cosmos, How the Heavens Declare the Glory of God, Paul M. Gould & Daniel Ray, general editors by Neil English
Intelligent Design— SALVO #52— 7 MIN. READ Systematic Breakthrough How Autism Led Me from Darwin's Brilliance to Cosmic Truth by Emily Morales
Intelligent Design— SALVO #52— 9 MIN. READ Darwin's Silver Chair Its Grip on the Modern West Remains Spellbinding by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #52— 9 MIN. READ Surprised by Intelligence A Religion Professor Discovers the Deficits in Evolutionary Theory by Terrell Clemmons
Intelligent Design— 4 MIN. READ Brazil Upsets Scientists The Real "Religion" that Shapes Science Education Policy by Emily Morales
Intelligent Design— 5 MIN. READ Folding, Creasing, Snipping & Tucking What a Kirigami Star Reveals about the Complexity of Nature by Emily Morales
Intelligent Design— 4 MIN. READ Raising the Bar of Soap What a Saponification Laboratory Can Teach Us about Darwin's Enchanted Pond by Emily Morales
Intelligent Design— 3 MIN. READ In Defense of the Multi-Billionaire Engineer Fanatic Philanthropist or One Who Recognizes Design When He Sees It? by Emily Morales
Intelligent Design— 3 MIN. READ In the Name of Good Science Advocating for a More Diverse Research Community by Emily Morales
Intelligent Design— 3 MIN. READ Darwin May Have Gotten it Wrong? Not the First Time Darwin Suffered Rebuke by the Hallowed Scientific Order by Emily Morales
Intelligent Design— SALVO #51— 10 MIN. READ Mom Genes My Investigation into the Possibility of Adam & Eve—the First Human Pair by Ann Gauger
Intelligent Design— SALVO #51— 7 MIN. READ Thinning Margins Two More Habitable Zones Expand the Case for Design by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #51— 13 MIN. READ Planetary Jewel Earth's Story Is One in a Billion by Neil English
Intelligent Design— SALVO #50— 2 MIN. READ The Great Unmasking A Review of Science Uprising by Terrell Clemmons
Intelligent Design— SALVO #50— 8 MIN. READ The Evolving Curtain The Darwinian Regime Can't Hide the Emerging Clues to Life's Design by Ann Gauger
Intelligent Design— SALVO #50— 6 MIN. READ Sucking Unsound A New Series Attempts to Unmask False Science by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #50— 8 MIN. READ Dark Matters Our Unique, Optimal-for-Life, Supermassive Black Hole by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #50— 14 MIN. READ Origin Stories Why Life Is Beginning to Seem Very Special Indeed by Neil English
Intelligent Design— SALVO #50— 9 MIN. READ Irreconcilable Differences By Any Construction, Evolutionary Creationists Declare a False Peace by Terrell Clemmons
Intelligent Design— SALVO #49— 8 MIN. READ Design in Three Dimensions C. S. Lewis Can Help Us See Through the "Nothing Buttery" of Our Age by Ann Gauger
Intelligent Design— SALVO #49— 11 MIN. READ Far & Away Above Average The Demise of the Drake Equation = The Death of the Copernican Principle by John D. Martin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #49— 8 MIN. READ Dramatic Direction The Great "'Cene Change" That Made Civilization Possible by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #49— 9 MIN. READ Darwinism Dissembled When Darwin’s Foundations Are Crumbling, What Will the Faithful Do? by Terrell Clemmons
Intelligent Design— SALVO #48— 9 MIN. READ Behe Right or Wrong A Scrappy Microbiologist Won't Back Down & Advances His Case by Ann Gauger
Intelligent Design— SALVO #48— 8 MIN. READ Lost & Found Four Astronomical Discoveries of "Missing Matter" Support Cosmic Creation by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #48— 12 MIN. READ Nothing to Go On Materialist Explanations for the Origin of the Universe Come Up Empty by Casey Luskin , Gary Kemper and Hallie Kemper
Intelligent Design— SALVO #48— 11 MIN. READ Age Doesn't Matter Both Young & Old Earths Are Way Too Young for Darwin's Idea to Survive by Tom Siewert and Elizabeth Siewert
Intelligent Design— SALVO #47— 2 MIN. READ Mere Creation A Review of Science and the Mind of the Maker: What the Conversation Between Faith and Science Reveals About God by Melissa Cain Travis by Terrell Clemmons
Intelligent Design— SALVO #47— 7 MIN. READ It Comes Naturally Real Intelligence Can Never Be Matched by the Artificial by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #47— 5 MIN. READ Seeing Stars Hazy Early Earth Affirms the Bible's Account of Creation by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #47— 8 MIN. READ Dreadful & Designed Mystery & Theology in the Ancient Helicoprion by Timothy J. Burbery
Intelligent Design— SALVO #47— 11 MIN. READ Moral Law Argument 2.0 Objective Evidence for God by Richard W. Stevens
Intelligent Design— SALVO #1— 4 MIN. READ Of Chimps, Computers, and Chemical Bags The “nothing but” approach to describing humans by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #48— 3 MIN. READ Divine in the Details What You Get May Be What You See by James M. Kushiner
Intelligent Design— SALVO #46— 15 MIN. READ A Peculiar Notion The Very strange Idea of Theistic Evolution by David Anderson, Ph.D.
Intelligent Design— SALVO #46— 9 MIN. READ The Miracle Element Fine Tuning & the Carbonization of Worlds by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #46— 7 MIN. READ Beyond Adaptation The Human Brain Is Something New by Ann Gauger
Intelligent Design— SALVO #45— 8 MIN. READ The Lights by Which We See Science Is Knowledge by Reasonable Faith by Regis Nicoll
Intelligent Design— SALVO #45— 9 MIN. READ Prodigal Signs Pervasive Beauty Leads Us Home by Ann Gauger
Intelligent Design— SALVO #45— 5 MIN. READ Minority Reporter A Finnish Bioengineer Touches the Third Rail by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #45— 3 MIN. READ Where the Evidence Led Me A Review of Heretic: One Scientist's Journey from Darwin to Design, by Matti Leisola & Jonathan Witt by Terrell Clemmons
Intelligent Design— SALVO #45— 9 MIN. READ Star Merger A Life-Changing Gift Helps Explain Why We're Here by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #44— 8 MIN. READ Wonderfully Made The Amazingly Accurate Prenatal Imagery of Psalm 139 by Fazale Rana
Intelligent Design— SALVO #44— 8 MIN. READ Cool Crazy Idea Intelligent Design Catches On in Brazil by Jonathan Wells
Intelligent Design— SALVO #43— 10 MIN. READ No Going Back? Breaking Dollo's Law Brings Home the Case for Creation by Fazale Rana
Intelligent Design— SALVO #43— 8 MIN. READ Optimal Optics Evolutionists Don't Know a Good Eye When They See One by Jonathan Wells
Intelligent Design— SALVO #42— 9 MIN. READ Genomes & Genesis New DNA Research Gives More -Evidence for Our Intelligent Design by Fazale Rana
Intelligent Design— SALVO #42— 7 MIN. READ God & the Gaps A Response to Data-Free Models for Origins by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #41— 3 MIN. READ Science Fictions Ignoring Evidence Leads to Endless Improbabilities by James M. Kushiner
Intelligent Design— SALVO #41— 5 MIN. READ Departed Harmony Long Ago Galileo Sought Truth on Science & Scripture by Cameron Wybrow
Intelligent Design— SALVO #41— 11 MIN. READ It's Beyond Us Extraordinary Claims Need an Extraordinary Cosmos by Regis Nicoll
Intelligent Design— SALVO #41— 9 MIN. READ Timing Is Everything Earth's Mass Extinction Cycle & Life's Long History by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #41— 4 MIN. READ Improbably So Fine-Tuning Is Unlikely, but Unlikely Things Happen All the Time by Tim Barnett
Intelligent Design— SALVO #40— 3 MIN. READ Good Questioner A Review of Revolutionary by Terrell Clemmons
Intelligent Design— SALVO #40— 8 MIN. READ Zombie Science Darwin's Theory Feeds on Raw Materialism by Jonathan Wells
Intelligent Design— SALVO #40— 10 MIN. READ Meta Math Why Materialism Can't Possibly Add Up to Reality by Charles Edward White
Intelligent Design— SALVO #40— 16 MIN. READ Champ Change Darwinism's Rumble in the Jungle by Regis Nicoll
Intelligent Design— SALVO #40— 9 MIN. READ Remains to be Seen On Discovering Extraterrestial Life & Extraterrestrial Intelligence by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #39— 8 MIN. READ Zone 9 in Outer Space The Known Habitable Zones & One Remarkable Planet by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #39— 6 MIN. READ Evo-Elitism Darwinism's Missing Link to Civil Liberties by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #38— 9 MIN. READ Creation Event Horizon Gravity Discovery Makes for Big Waves by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #38— 9 MIN. READ Life Exponential DNA Is Only Part of Life's Multidimensional Design by Jonathan Wells
Intelligent Design— SALVO #38— 6 MIN. READ Monkey Playwrights Bard Games & Other Cosmic Fun by Erik Schaug
Intelligent Design— SALVO #37— 9 MIN. READ Acts of God Are Natural Disasters the Fundamental Evils We Think They Are? by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #37— 7 MIN. READ Greater Than the Sum Why the Design in Living Things Goes Far Beyond Machinery by Jonathan Wells
Intelligent Design— SALVO #36— 5 MIN. READ The Flight Stuff Biological Design Inspires Aircraft Engineering by Daniel Currier
Intelligent Design— SALVO #36— 3 MIN. READ Our Quantum Leap There Is a Huge Chasm Between Humans & Nonhuman Animals by Michael Egnor
Intelligent Design— SALVO #35— 7 MIN. READ A Beautiful Science Intuition & Aesthetics Lead to Empirical Knowledge by David Anderson, Ph.D.
Intelligent Design— SALVO #35— 9 MIN. READ Sure Signs How to Understand the Degree of Certainty in Key Discoveries by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #35— 6 MIN. READ Exponential Life Epigenetics Deepens the Mystery of Design by Daniel Currier
Intelligent Design— SALVO #35— 9 MIN. READ Hominid Hype, Take 2015 This Time It's "Homo Naledi" by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #34— 3 MIN. READ Baptizing Darwin BioLogos, Theistic Evolution & the Darwinization of Christianity by Terrell Clemmons
Intelligent Design— SALVO #34— 5 MIN. READ Cosmic Seer Georges Lemaître, the Catholic Priest Behind the Big Bang by Ray Cavanaugh
Intelligent Design— SALVO #34— 9 MIN. READ Life's Big Bangs Avalon & Cambrian (& Worldview) Explosions by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #34— 4 MIN. READ Self Containers Do Animals Really Know Themselves? by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #34— 9 MIN. READ Captive No More The Thoroughly Rational Conversion of Michael Minot by Terrell Clemmons
Intelligent Design— SALVO #34— 9 MIN. READ God, Ltd. Does Nothing in Evolution Make Sense Except in the Light of Bad Theology? by David Anderson, Ph.D.
Intelligent Design— SALVO #34— 8 MIN. READ The ENCODE Embroilment, Part IV Rewriting History Won't Erase Bad Evolutionary Predictions by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #34— 3 MIN. READ Night Vision Seeing the World Correctly Requires the Right Light by James M. Kushiner
Intelligent Design— SALVO #33— 11 MIN. READ The ENCODE Embroilment, Part III Evolution Proves Our Genome Is Junky . . . Which Proves Evolution . . . by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #33— 8 MIN. READ Glacial Blessings Flow Earth's Icy Past Has Yielded Bountiful Food & Beauty by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #32— 9 MIN. READ Jumping Jupiter & the Comets Life on Earth Would Be Impossible Without Them by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #32— 8 MIN. READ The ENCODE Embroilment, Part II Denying Data Won't Change the Emerging Facts of Biology by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #32— 11 MIN. READ The Evolution Of a Christian An Interview with Dr. Fazale Rana by James M. Kushiner
Intelligent Design— SALVO #32— 4 MIN. READ The Law of Conservation of Information, Part III Naturalistic Evolution, Meet a Utilitarian Philosopher's Method of Difference by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #31— 4 MIN. READ The Law of Conservation of Information: Part II If Information Theory Is Right, Darwinian Evolution Isn't Even Possible by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #31— 8 MIN. READ The ENCODE Embroilment, Part I Why Are Biologists Lashing Out Against Empirically Verified Research Results? by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #30— 10 MIN. READ Earth in the Zone The Impossibly Habitable Planet by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #30— 4 MIN. READ Immaterial Evidence The Law of Conservation of Information: Part I by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #30— 5 MIN. READ Heads or Tales How Evolutionary Theory "Predicts" What It Finds by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #29— 9 MIN. READ Moon Strike Lunar Origin Causes "Philosophical Disquiet" by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #29— 4 MIN. READ Data Basic Part IV Why Seeing Life as Information Is Fatal to Current Evolutionary Theory by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #29— 5 MIN. READ Textbook Tales Embryology and the Descent of Biology Education by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #28— 4 MIN. READ Data Basic III Is Information, Not Matter, the Foundation of Life? by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #27— 7 MIN. READ Logged Out Why Scientists Can’t Reconstruct Darwin's "Tree of Life" by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #26— 4 MIN. READ Data Basic I Is Information, Not Matter, the Foundation of Life? by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #26 Science & Faith When Science and Faith Work Together by Bobby Maddex and James M. Kushiner
Intelligent Design— SALVO #26— 24 MIN. READ In the Beginning Episodes in the Origin & Development of Science by Michael Keas
Intelligent Design— SALVO #26— 10 MIN. READ Blinded by Science Believe Science Has All the Answers? Evolutionary Biologist Austin Hughes Says, Open Your Eyes by Salvo
Intelligent Design— SALVO #26— 11 MIN. READ Beyond Belief (or the Lack Thereof) Science Philosopher Bradley Monton Looks Past His Atheism to Objectively Assess Intelligent Design by Salvo
Intelligent Design— SALVO #26 Ad Hominin Has Science Shown That We Evolved from Ape-like Creatures? by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #26— 9 MIN. READ The Parent Flap Darwinists Argue That Adam & Eve Have Been Disproven. Molecular Geneticist Ann Gauger Does Not Agree by Salvo
Intelligent Design— SALVO #26— 10 MIN. READ Doubting Darwin Philosopher of Science Stephen C. Meyer on His Book, Darwin's Doubt by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #25— 11 MIN. READ Software for Sex Successful Mating Habits Require Intelligent Programming by Richard W. Stevens
Intelligent Design— SALVO #25— 4 MIN. READ Genes on the Move Horizontal Gene Transfer Messes Up Darwin’s Scheme by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #25— 9 MIN. READ Once Upon a Raft Biogeography, Common Descent & Seafaring Monkeys by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #23— 4 MIN. READ Getting Smarts Intelligence Is Today’s Unknown Country by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #22— 3 MIN. READ Stoics & Design Learning from Old Books Would Have Helped a Federal Judge by Cameron Wybrow
Intelligent Design— SALVO #22— 8 MIN. READ Deity Added Theistic Evolution Is Nearly as Problematic as Atheistic Darwinism by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #22— 4 MIN. READ The Eggheads Have Bird Brains Scrambled Darwin's Tree of Life? by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #21— 10 MIN. READ The Evolution Lobby We Can Reasonably Dismiss the Claims of Theistic Darwinists by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #21— 7 MIN. READ Galactic Green Our Milky Way Is Amazingly Designed for Life by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #20— 8 MIN. READ Bio-Mechanics Don't the Intricacy & Ubiquity of Molecular Machines Provide Evidence for Design? by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #20— 4 MIN. READ Disappearing Link Our Evolutionary Ancestors Keep A-Changing by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #20— 3 MIN. READ Discovery Institute Advancing a culture of purpose, creativity, and innovation. by Salvo
Intelligent Design— SALVO #20— 7 MIN. READ Mass Appeal On How the Vastness of Space Makes It Possible for You To Be Here by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #19— 8 MIN. READ Biological Software Darwin Can't Connect Your iPod to a Printer by Richard W. Stevens
Intelligent Design— SALVO #19— 9 MIN. READ Eyeballing Design "Biomimetics" Exposes Attacks on ID as Poorly Designed by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #19— 9 MIN. READ Save the Whales! Monsters Well-Designed for the Earth's Ecosystem by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #18— 7 MIN. READ DNA Trash Talk Questions for Jonathan Wells on The Myth of Junk DNA by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #18— 4 MIN. READ Worlds Apart When Chaos and Order Collide by James M. Kushiner
Intelligent Design— SALVO #16— 14 MIN. READ Sci-Fact or Sci-Fi? What We Won't Learn from Hyped-Up Science News Headlines by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #15— 8 MIN. READ Gandalf on Mars What Bleeping Codes Say About Intelligent Design by Richard W. Stevens
Intelligent Design— SALVO #12— 9 MIN. READ Signs of Desperation? Early Responses to Signature in the Cell Are Easily Dismissed by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #11— 5 MIN. READ Get with the Program A Review of Signature in the Cell by Stephen Meyer by Heather Zeiger
Intelligent Design— SALVO #11— 7 MIN. READ Evolution's Trilemma After 150 Years It Takes More Than a Quantum Leap to Vindicate Darwin by Terrell Clemmons
Intelligent Design— SALVO #10— 9 MIN. READ The Big Ida The Rise & Fall of Another Missing Link & Other Media Hype by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #4 The Last Days of Darwin? A Brief History of the Revolution by James M. Kushiner
Intelligent Design— SALVO #1— 5 MIN. READ Evolution Ed Ending the Debate Before it Even Starts by Karla Dial
Intelligent Design— SALVO #1— 7 MIN. READ Interior Design DNA and its complex specified information by Ken Brown