The Prodigal Son at Sea

The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

Although generally regarded as an adventure story, The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, a fictional memoir of faith, may be read as a retelling of the parable of the Prodigal Son. Crusoe’s father is a merchant who gives his son a comfortable living and urges him to join him in his business. The son, however, goes off to sea, despite warnings regarding the dangers of such a life. The novel recounts Crusoe’s experiences of suffering and difficulty before coming to faith followed by his subsequent growth in Christian confidence and testimony afterward.


When young Crusoe announces his desire to seek his fortune at sea, his father urges him to weigh the risks and comforts of that...


is a retired secondary teacher of English and philosophy. For forty years he challenged students to dive deep into the classics of the Western canon, to think and write analytically, and to find the cultural constants reflected throughout that literature, art, and thought.

This article originally appeared in Salvo, Issue #70, Fall 2024 Copyright © 2024 Salvo |


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