New Atheists for Christ

A Review of Coming to Faith Through Dawkins: 12 Essays on the Pathway from New Atheism to Christianity

If in the early 2000s someone had said that New Atheism would be digging its own grave by the 2020s, I’m not sure anyone would have believed it. New Atheism was an edgier and bolder form of unbelief promoted by such energetic and quick-witted figures as Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, Christopher Hitchens, and Richard Dawkins (dubbed the Four Horsemen of the movement), who published bestselling critiques of religion and packed out auditoriums with people eager to hear their takedowns of Christianity. But now, in 2024, Hitchens and Dennett are deceased; Sam Harris seems more interested in meditation and “spirituality without religion”;1 and Richard Dawkins says he is a “cultural...


is a classical educator, furniture-maker, and vicar at All Saints Lutheran Church (LCMS) in Charlotte, North Carolina. He also taught high school history for thirteen years and studied at Messiah College, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Winthrop University. In addition to Salvo, Josh has written for Areo, FORMA, Front Porch Republic, Mere Orthodoxy, Public Discourse, Quillette, The Imaginative Conservative, Touchstone, and is a frequent guest on Issues, Etc. Radio Show/Podcast.

This article originally appeared in Salvo, Issue #70, Fall 2024 Copyright © 2024 Salvo |


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