Finding Sergius

Paul’s Encounter with the Roman Governor of Cyprus

In the early days of archaeology, the accounts of Paul’s journeys recorded in the Acts of the Apostles were considered by many scholars to be fictitious narratives written decades after the events were said to have occurred. Although the general setting was understood to be the historical reality of the Roman Empire during the first century, many of the events, locations, and people named were assumed to be fictional inventions or inaccurate reflections of theologians. William M. Ramsay, one of the foremost scholars of archaeology and the New Testament from about 1880–1920, initially held this view, but after years of archaeological investigation and research, he concluded that the book of Acts was a masterful work full of...


Titus Kennedy, PhD, is a field archaeologist who has been involved in excavations and survey projects at several archaeological sites in biblical lands, including directing and supervising multiple projects spanning the Bronze Age through the Byzantine period, and he has conducted artifact research at museums and collections around the world. He is a research fellow at the Discovery Institute, an adjunct professor at Biola University, and has been a consultant, writer, and guide for history and archaeology documentaries and curricula. He also publishes articles and books in the field of biblical archaeology and history, including Unearthing the Bible, Excavating the Evidence for Jesus, and The Essential Archaeological Guide to Bible Lands.

This article originally appeared in Salvo, Issue #70, Fall 2024 Copyright © 2024 Salvo |


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