Life on the Edge

Fourteen Hours

I’ve often thought that the writers and directors in Hollywood no longer know how to tell a human story. Part of the reason is that the works themselves have gotten in the way, so that a film, let us say, about a man standing on a ledge high up on a skyscraper in Manhattan, threatening to jump, ends up being a film about “suicide,” or “mental illness,” or a film take-off on other films about those things, rather than a film about one man, one day, and, as in the case of Fourteen Hours (1951), a very ordinary cop who tries to save his life.

About to...


PhD, is a Distinguished Professor at Thales College and the author of over thirty books and many articles in both scholarly and general interest journals. A senior editor of Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity, Dr. Esolen is known for his elegant essays on the faith and for his clear social commentaries. In addition to Salvo, his articles appear regularly in Touchstone, Crisis, First Things, Inside the Vatican, Public Discourse, Magnificat, Chronicles and in his own online literary magazine, Word & Song.

This article originally appeared in Salvo, Issue #69, Summer 2024 Copyright © 2024 Salvo |
