Trans-Driven Medicine

When Ideology Overtakes Evidence-Based Care for Children


Founded in 1930, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is the largest professional association of pediatricians in the U.S. The first president, Isaac A. Abt, anticipated that “the founding of the Academy will have a far-reaching significance in developing the scope and field of pediatrics and, I hope, a beneficent influence on the life and health of those patients whom the pediatricians will reach.” Like many medical associations, the AAP publishes policy positions, standards of care, patient-education materials, a news magazine, and a peer-reviewed flagship journal.

Reason for Surveillance

In 2018 the AAP released its first official policy statement...


graduated summa cum laude from California State University, Fresno, with a BS in molecular biology and a minor in cognitive psychology. As an undergraduate, she conducted research in immunology, microbiology, behavioral and cognitive psychology, scanning tunneling microscopy and genetics - having published research in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, and projects in scanning tunneling microscopy. Having recently completed an M.Ed. from University of Cincinnati and a Certificate in Apologetics with the Talbot School of Theology at Biola University, Emily is currently an instructional designer/content developer for Moody Bible Institute and teaches organic chemistry and physics. As a former Darwinian evolutionist, Emily now regards the intelligent design arguments more credible than those proffered by Darwinists for explaining the origin of life.

This article originally appeared in Salvo, Issue #68, Spring 2024 Copyright © 2024 Salvo |


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