Civilization— SALVO #72— 8 MIN. READ Once Upon a Nightmare The Disturbingly Prophetic Prescience of Four 20th Century Novels by Rick Reed
Civilization— SALVO #72— 2 MIN. READ War over Peace PEACE: freedom from civil or inner disturbance by Rick Reed
Civilization— SALVO #69— 3 MIN. READ Hope for the Earth The Christian Alternative to Doom-and-Gloom Environmentalism by John Stonestreet and Shane Morris
Civilization— SALVO #69— 8 MIN. READ Five Guys on a Boat A Life & Death Tale of Minds & Meaning by Ken Pedersen
Civilization— SALVO #69— 8 MIN. READ Killer Air Solution Air Pollution, Creation Stewardship & Human Wellbeing by Hugh Ross
Civilization— SALVO #69— 9 MIN. READ Reform Where You’re Planted How Ordinary Christians Change the World by Gregory Soderberg
Civilization— SALVO #68— 2 MIN. READ Sense & Sensibility Worldview Literacy Is an Essential Skill for Making Sense of Postmodernity by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #67— 15 MIN. READ The Nigerian Experiment Darwinism vs. Christianity & the Results of Colonial Rule by Amanda Witt
Civilization— SALVO #67— 5 MIN. READ Biased Remedies The Costly Collusion of Social Scientists & Government Patrons by Lewis M. Andrews
Civilization— 8 MIN. READ A Connecticut Yankee in the Actual Middle Ages An Imaginary Dialogue with a Medieval Monk by Daniel Witt
Civilization— SALVO #66— 6 MIN. READ Government Therapy Is the “Solution” the Problem? by Lewis M. Andrews
Civilization— 9 MIN. READ A Tyranny of Managers N.S. Lyons on why China and the West aren’t really so different by Daniel Witt
Civilization— SALVO #65— 5 MIN. READ Homo Disconnectus Yuval Noah Harari Unintentionally Endorses Natural Law & American Exceptionalism by John D. Martin
Civilization— 5 MIN. READ The Two Misters Who Led the Chinese to Communism From May 4th To June 4th by Dr. Pingnan Shi
Civilization— 7 MIN. READ Eulogy for a Dead Planet The fate of the ZTF SLRN-2020 system awaits us all by Daniel Witt
Civilization— 9 MIN. READ The Truth is in the Potshards (and the Inscriptions) A Report from Titus Kennedy’s Talks at Dallas Science & Faith, 2023 by John D. Martin
Civilization— SALVO #64— 3 MIN. READ Politics, Ltd. Without the Right Worldview, Democracy Dies by John Stonestreet and Shane Morris
Civilization— SALVO #64— 8 MIN. READ Breaking Silence The Wurmbrand Story & Its Lessons for Today by Bob Perry
Civilization— SALVO #63— 6 MIN. READ Idol Remains Archaeological Evidence of False Gods in Israel by Neil English
Civilization— SALVO #63— 7 MIN. READ Warning Libels Which Is More Hazardous to Sexual Health—the Bible or Freud? by Regis Nicoll
Civilization— 5 MIN. READ Technocrats & Misanthropes The Dystopian Designs of Yuval Noah Harari by Neil English
Civilization— SALVO #60— 8 MIN. READ House Divided Déjà Vu The Plain Choice Before America Today by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #62— 5 MIN. READ Revealing Digs Here’s New Evidence for Two Biblical Events by Neil English
Civilization— SALVO #62— 2 MIN. READ Misery Seeks No Company Anti-Natalists Spread a Profoundly Misanthropic Message by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #62— 2 MIN. READ Shoring Up the Foundations Apologetics Equips the Church for the Ideological Arena by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— 6 MIN. READ Liberty & Labor Day in the Park How Americans Turned Karl Marx’s Revolution Day into Labor Day by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— 3 MIN. READ Science, Safety, & Slavery to the State Paul Kingsnorth and Jonathan Pageau Discuss Civilization in the “Age of the Machine” by Peter Biles
Civilization— SALVO #61— 7 MIN. READ Embattled Humanity Looking Back at "The Bridge on the River Kwai" by Anthony Esolen
Civilization— SALVO #61— 3 MIN. READ Can Salvo Be Nice? It All Depends on What You Mean by James M. Kushiner
Civilization— 4 MIN. READ Signs of the Spirit of America Punished for Resisting a Narrative, One Mom Turns Down $1M to Retain Her Voice by Dr. Pingnan Shi
Civilization— 7 MIN. READ KGB Defector's Warning to America “Ideological Subversion” Can Destroy America from Within by Robin Phillips
Civilization— 5 MIN. READ When Truth is on the Line Unsilenced Movie Raises the Question, Will Good People Speak Out? by Dr. Pingnan Shi
Civilization— 3 MIN. READ What does it mean to “care”? China’s Genocide of the Uyghur People Puts that Question to the Test by Mark Eckel
Civilization— 4 MIN. READ Fertility Matters The Birth Dearth & the Enduring Homegrown Hope by Bob Perry
Civilization— 5 MIN. READ Societal Heart Health How To Serve as a Peacemaker in a Society that Has Lost Its Core by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #59— 7 MIN. READ UK Woke Watch Dispatches from a World Going Madder by Neil English
Civilization— SALVO #59— 3 MIN. READ The Meaning of "Human" adj. Of, belonging to, or characteristic of man by Rick Reed
Civilization— SALVO #58— 3 MIN. READ The Heresy of Wokeness Without Christianity, It Wouldn't Even Exist by John Stonestreet and Glenn Sunshine
Civilization— SALVO #58— 9 MIN. READ Free At Last Born into Chinese Communism, I Found Christ and Freedom in the West by Dr. Pingnan Shi
Civilization— SALVO #57— 8 MIN. READ Canceling Western Civilization Woke Fundamentalism’s Iconoclasm Is Just as Destructive as ISIS’s by Robin Phillips
Civilization— SALVO #56— 3 MIN. READ The Lost Virtue of Patience Cultural Renewal Won't Come by Force by John Stonestreet and Roberto Rivera
Civilization— SALVO #56— 6 MIN. READ Bright & Human Joseph Mankiewicz's People Will Talk by Anthony Esolen
Civilization— SALVO #56— 8 MIN. READ Afflicted Living The Pandemic's Deep Impact on the Elderly by Heather Zeiger
Civilization— 4 MIN. READ When Jeff Cancelled Ryan Modern-Day Book Burning by Amazon's Bezos Is All Heat, No Light by Nicole M. King
Civilization— 3 MIN. READ Restaurant Wars Are These Small Business Owners the New Civil Rights Leaders? by Emily Morales
Civilization— SALVO #55— 7 MIN. READ Real Men at War William Wellman's Battleground by Anthony Esolen
Civilization— SALVO #55— 5 MIN. READ Two-Fisted Provocateurs Antifa's Violence May Be Coming to a Street Near You by Dave Olsson
Civilization— SALVO #55— 3 MIN. READ Systemically Subversive Children Fundamentally Transformed by Public Education by James M. Kushiner
Civilization— 3 MIN. READ The Always Normal 2020 Would Not Surprise Narnians in the Least by Nicole M. King
Civilization— 5 MIN. READ United We Stand As Polarization Increases, We Can Still Choose Peace and Goodwill by Peter Biles
Civilization— 6 MIN. READ Shameless in Seattle When City Councils Attack Law & Order by Michael Howard
Civilization— 3 MIN. READ The Hidden Figures Suicides Outnumber COVID-19 Deaths Among Young Americans by Peter Biles
Civilization— 3 MIN. READ Subtle But Sure Rod Dreher Warns of the Approaching "Soft Totalitarianism" by Robin Phillips
Civilization— SALVO #54— 2 MIN. READ Megadeath A Timeline of Plagues, Epidemics & Pandemics by Heather Zeiger
Civilization— SALVO #54— 4 MIN. READ Always Burning The Hope of the Christian in Times of Unrest by Nicole M. King
Civilization— 5 MIN. READ Topsy Turvy World How Justice Suffers When the Standard for Truth is Rejected by Emily Morales
Civilization— 4 MIN. READ Victims Today, Oppressors Tomorrow The Victim Narrative Will Eventually Victimize in Return by Emily Morales
Civilization— 5 MIN. READ Why the West Should Be Celebrated The Forgotten (or Omitted) History of How the West Abolished Slavery by Emily Morales
Civilization— 3 MIN. READ The Prescient Frenchman How Gustave Le Bon Saw the Times We Are Living in Now by Emily Morales
Civilization— SALVO #53— 3 MIN. READ Home Stuck The Coronavirus Reveals an Intolerance of Solitude by Emily Morales
Civilization— SALVO #53— 8 MIN. READ Light of the World Christianity Inspired Liberal Society & Even Informs Its Antagonists by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #53— 3 MIN. READ Of Viruses & Men The Truth About Our Malfunctioning World by James M. Kushiner
Civilization— 4 MIN. READ It's the "Thought" That Counts When it comes to Public Caring by Emily Morales
Civilization— 4 MIN. READ Heroes & Culprits of Chernobyl HBO’s "Chernobyl" Honors the Sacrifices of Ordinary Russians while Exposing the Corruption of Communism by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— 5 MIN. READ America Comes to Sacramento A Marine Challenges California Police to Check Their Guts and Man Up by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— 3 MIN. READ "The Last Full Measure" Reminds Us of the Meaning of Life Love and Valor Change the World, One Life at a Time by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— 4 MIN. READ A Lesson from a Contagion What the Corona Virus Teaches Us About Our Intolerance of Solitude by Emily Morales
Civilization— 3 MIN. READ We’ve Done Plagues Church History as a Guide to the Coronavirus by Peter Biles
Civilization— 3 MIN. READ What's In a Virus? An Evolving Tale of Good & Bad Viruses by James M. Kushiner
Civilization— 4 MIN. READ Get a Grip on the Pandemic How to Temper Anxiety by Working with Your Hands by Emily Morales
Civilization— 1 MIN. READ The Path of Coronavirus There's No Telling What May Be Left in Its Wake by Leon J. Podles
Civilization— SALVO #52— 7 MIN. READ Ecological Timber Healthy Forests, Wise & Wealthy Foresters by Hugh Ross
Civilization— 4 MIN. READ How One Man's Dream Morphed into Multiplied Nightmares The Tragic Demise of Aaron Hernandez by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— 4 MIN. READ China’s One-Child Nightmare A Mother Reflects on Her People’s Population War by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #49— 7 MIN. READ Hideously NICE C. S. Lewis Warned Us About This Deadly Bureaucratic Beast by Bob Perry
Civilization— SALVO #48— 2 MIN. READ Help Still Wanted A review of Jay W. Richards' The Human Advantage: The Future of American Work in an Age of Smart Machines by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #46— 3 MIN. READ Upset on Planet Earth An Alien Meme About Sex Boggles the Mind by James M. Kushiner
Civilization— SALVO #46— 9 MIN. READ Tangled Interwebs Amino vs. Communities of Divine Design by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #46— 2 MIN. READ A Separate Equality The Gill Foundation's Queer Campaign to Punish Viewpoint Dissent by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #46— 9 MIN. READ A Fiery Cup Vietnam's Napalm Girl & the Goodness of God by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #45— 12 MIN. READ Streetwise Neighbors' Eyes What Jane Jacobs Saw in Cities That Thrive by Erik Schaug
Civilization— SALVO #45— 8 MIN. READ Firm Steps to Rehab What Families Need to Know About the Addiction Treatment Industrial Complex by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #44— 3 MIN. READ Deadly Harvest Patriarchy & the Violence of Fatherless Men by James M. Kushiner
Civilization— SALVO #44— 4 MIN. READ Population Controllers The Children of the Rohingya by Michael Cook
Civilization— SALVO #44— 3 MIN. READ Going It Alone A Look at Growing Chronic Loneliness by Heather Zeiger
Civilization— SALVO #43— 3 MIN. READ Wreckers in the Dark Social Ills & Opposition to Safe Harbor Lights by James M. Kushiner
Civilization— SALVO #43— 3 MIN. READ Feeding the Hungry Norman Borlaug's Green Revolution by James Wanliss
Civilization— SALVO #43— 9 MIN. READ Revolution 101 How the 'New Civics' Is Fomenting Civil Unrest by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #42— 5 MIN. READ Next on the Menu? How The Economist Dishes Up Morals by Michael Cook
Civilization— SALVO #42— 5 MIN. READ Learn & Obey A Creative Tension Is the Wellspring of Western Civilization by Cameron Wybrow
Civilization— SALVO #41— 5 MIN. READ Jumping to Conclusions When Risk-Taking Takes Lives by Heather Zeiger
Civilization— SALVO #41— 8 MIN. READ Deep-Seated Rights What They Are & Why You Have Them by Steve Jones
Civilization— SALVO #41— 2 MIN. READ Climate Control Religion The Genesis of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #40— 9 MIN. READ The Long Red Shadow Mike Shotwell Has a Message for Millennial America by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #40— 7 MIN. READ Morality as Story The False Charity of Modern Journalism by Rebekah Curtis
Civilization— SALVO #40— 7 MIN. READ Taking Polls Apart Human Complexity Foils Electoral Predictions by Denyse O'Leary
Civilization— SALVO #40— 5 MIN. READ A Tip for Indonesia? Why You Should Worry About the World's 4th Most Populous Nation by Peter Riddell
Civilization— SALVO #39— 3 MIN. READ Can We Talk? It Is Crucial That We Put Our Minds to Contentious Issues by James M. Kushiner
Civilization— SALVO #38— 3 MIN. READ Killing Generals Winning the War Against Falsehood by James M. Kushiner
Civilization— SALVO #36— 2 MIN. READ Death Pushers of America The Drug Policy Alliance by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #35— 9 MIN. READ Back to Babel Modernism's Architecture Is from an Old Blueprint by Erik Schaug
Civilization— SALVO #34— 6 MIN. READ Painful Pursuits Human Suspension & the Soul's Quest for Peace by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #34— 6 MIN. READ Novel Threat Does Orwell's 1984 Foreshadow a New Danger? by Cameron Wybrow
Civilization— SALVO #33— 5 MIN. READ The Pope of Singapore Can Lee Kuan Yew's Legacy of Pragmatism Endure? by Michael Cook
Civilization— SALVO #33— 3 MIN. READ Crusader Complex An Old Book Cures Oversimplification by Cameron Wybrow
Civilization— SALVO #33— 3 MIN. READ Misanthropists 'R Us "Nature Is Speaking" Brought to You by Conservation International by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #31— 16 MIN. READ Dying to Feel Good Modern Self-Realization & the Painkiller Addiction Epidemic by Heather Zeiger
Civilization— SALVO #30— 2 MIN. READ Unfashionable History A Review of How the West Won by Rodney Stark by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #28— 9 MIN. READ Civilization & Its Malcontents How Soviet Disinformation Infected the West & What the West Can Do About It by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #27— 11 MIN. READ The Road to Dystopia Two Novelists Warned Us. Will Fiction Become Fact? by Arthur W. Hunt III
Civilization— SALVO #26— 13 MIN. READ Solitary Refinement How One Man Found Freedom Inside a Communist Prison by James M. Kushiner
Civilization— SALVO #25— 3 MIN. READ Citizens Cain & Abel The Dilemma of Soulcraft & the State by Cameron Wybrow
Civilization— SALVO #25— 9 MIN. READ Guide for the Misguided A Clarifying Journey of Intervention, Detox & Recovery by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #25— 3 MIN. READ Truth vs. State It Takes Courage to Confront False Ideologies by H. Lynn Gardner
Civilization— SALVO #23— 3 MIN. READ Elegy for the Lion City Singapore’s Demographic Woes Are of Its Own Making by Michael Cook
Civilization— SALVO #22— 3 MIN. READ United We Stand Our Founding Ideas Can Heal Our Fragmentation by Herb London
Civilization— SALVO #22— 8 MIN. READ State Purposes Utopian Creep & the Struggle for Human Rights & Freedom by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #22— 7 MIN. READ By Bread Alone The Hunger Games & the Secularization of Western Culture by Timothy Paul Jones
Civilization— SALVO #22— 3 MIN. READ Global Warning Roosters of the Apocalypse: How the Junk Science of Global Warming Nearly Bankrupted the Western World by Rael Jean Isaac by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #21— 3 MIN. READ Plato's <em>Republic</em> The Critic of Democracy Is the Friend of Democracy by Cameron Wybrow
Civilization— SALVO #20— 1 MIN. READ The Big Picture Creating a Culture that Endures by James M. Kushiner
Civilization— SALVO #20— 6 MIN. READ Postscript Earth Let's Imagine a World Lacking People to Write About It by Regis Nicoll
Civilization— SALVO #19— 9 MIN. READ Believed & Deceived Hitler's Rise & the Deadly Loss of Moral Courage by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #18— 10 MIN. READ Wrong About Rights How the New Social Justice Betrays Justice & Subverts the Just Society by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #17— 7 MIN. READ One Nation, Under Drugs How California & the Rest of Us Can Become More Like Yemen by Judith Reisman
Civilization— SALVO #16— 3 MIN. READ What Goes Around . . . Cultural Renewal May Be the Next Big Thing by Herb London
Civilization— SALVO #14— 11 MIN. READ Baby Freeze Is Population Control the New Solution to Global Warming? by Robin Phillips
Civilization— SALVO #14— 3 MIN. READ ACLU Attorneys Committed to Legalizing the Undoing of America by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #13— 5 MIN. READ The Fitter Race Yes, It Is Possible to Say Something New About the Nazis . . . by Denyse O'Leary
Civilization— SALVO #13— 3 MIN. READ Blind Alley The End of Secularism by Hunter Baker by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #12— 8 MIN. READ Seam Redeemed Welcome to the Church of What Not to Wear by Karen Swallow Prior
Civilization— SALVO #12— 4 MIN. READ The War We Lost The "Greatest Generation" Would No Longer Recognize the Country They Fought to Protect by James M. Kushiner
Civilization— SALVO #12— 2 MIN. READ Your Operating System Why You Think the Way You Do: The Story of Western Worldviews from Rome to Home by Glenn S. Sunshine by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #10— 2 MIN. READ Statist Analysis Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto by Mark Levin by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #10— 3 MIN. READ Terminal Confusion On Trying to Make Sense of Modern Culture by James M. Kushiner
Civilization— SALVO #8— 5 MIN. READ Night & Day Why Are These Two Indigenous Towns Down Under Really Worlds Apart? by Michael Cook
Civilization— SALVO #6— 6 MIN. READ Yodelay Cuckoo! The Swiss Go Crazy—Literally—Over "Dignity" by Michael Cook
Civilization— SALVO #5— 5 MIN. READ Weighty Problems There's a Limit to the Number of Issues That We Can Panic Over by Michael Cook
Civilization— SALVO #3— 6 MIN. READ Pudging the Truth Are We Really As Obese As the Media Claim? by Denyse O'Leary