Civilization— SALVO #40— 9 MIN. READ The Long Red Shadow Mike Shotwell Has a Message for Millennial America by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #40— 7 MIN. READ Morality as Story The False Charity of Modern Journalism by Rebekah Curtis
Religion— SALVO #40— 3 MIN. READ Copy This The Wise Words of a Teenage Computer Geek by James M. Kushiner
Civilization— SALVO #40— 7 MIN. READ Taking Polls Apart Human Complexity Foils Electoral Predictions by Denyse O'Leary
Intelligent Design— SALVO #40— 3 MIN. READ Good Questioner A Review of Revolutionary by Terrell Clemmons
Sex— SALVO #40— 6 MIN. READ Calendar Girls Natural Family Planning & the Pursuit of Relational Happiness by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #40— 5 MIN. READ A Tip for Indonesia? Why You Should Worry About the World's 4th Most Populous Nation by Peter Riddell
Scientism— SALVO #40— 6 MIN. READ Science Unlimited Our Edenic Birthright, or Just a Lot of Babel? by Cameron Wybrow
LGBTQ+— SALVO #40— 2 MIN. READ I'm Not Me A Procrustean Bed of Pronominal Correctness by Michael Cook
Intelligent Design— SALVO #40— 8 MIN. READ Zombie Science Darwin's Theory Feeds on Raw Materialism by Jonathan Wells
Marriage & Family— SALVO #40— 4 MIN. READ Overdue The Costs & Dangers of Delayed Motherhood by Nicole M. King
Sex— SALVO #40— 9 MIN. READ Liberated Now An Ex-Cosmo Girl Sorts Out Reality from Revolutionary Propaganda by Terrell Clemmons
Scientism— SALVO #40— 6 MIN. READ The Biohackers Are You Ready for a Cyborg Culture? by Paige Comstock Cunningham
Intelligent Design— SALVO #40— 10 MIN. READ Meta Math Why Materialism Can't Possibly Add Up to Reality by Charles Edward White
Intelligent Design— SALVO #40— 16 MIN. READ Champ Change Darwinism's Rumble in the Jungle by Regis Nicoll
Intelligent Design— SALVO #40— 9 MIN. READ Remains to be Seen On Discovering Extraterrestial Life & Extraterrestrial Intelligence by Hugh Ross