Intelligent Design— SALVO #34— 3 MIN. READ Baptizing Darwin BioLogos, Theistic Evolution & the Darwinization of Christianity by Terrell Clemmons
Marriage & Family— SALVO #34— 10 MIN. READ Marital Defense An Interview with Ryan T. Anderson by Marcia Segelstein
Intelligent Design— SALVO #34— 5 MIN. READ Cosmic Seer Georges Lemaître, the Catholic Priest Behind the Big Bang by Ray Cavanaugh
Sex— SALVO #34— 9 MIN. READ Mastering Modern Love How Chastity Orders Your Relationships & Liberates You for Love by Terrell Clemmons
Abortion— SALVO #34— 2 MIN. READ The Big Kill Abortion Is by Far the Deadliest Thing—Ever by John D. Ferrer
Intelligent Design— SALVO #34— 9 MIN. READ Life's Big Bangs Avalon & Cambrian (& Worldview) Explosions by Hugh Ross
Sex— SALVO #34— 10 MIN. READ Sacred Singleness? An Interview with Kristina Twitty by Carmen Fowler LaBerge
LGBTQ+— SALVO #34— 6 MIN. READ The Battle of Walkerton Kevin O'Connor & the Defiant Survival of Memories Pizza by Terrell Clemmons
Intelligent Design— SALVO #34— 4 MIN. READ Self Containers Do Animals Really Know Themselves? by Denyse O'Leary
Religion— SALVO #34— 2 MIN. READ Redemption Afoot A Review of Restoring All Things: God's Audacious Plan to Change the World Through Everyday People by Terrell Clemmons
Marriage & Family— SALVO #34— 6 MIN. READ Girl Watching Raising Daughters in Troubled Times by Marcia Segelstein
Bioethics— SALVO #34— 6 MIN. READ Genetic Restraint Things That Simply Should Not Be Done by Paige Comstock Cunningham
Intelligent Design— SALVO #34— 9 MIN. READ Captive No More The Thoroughly Rational Conversion of Michael Minot by Terrell Clemmons
Intelligent Design— SALVO #34— 9 MIN. READ God, Ltd. Does Nothing in Evolution Make Sense Except in the Light of Bad Theology? by David Anderson, Ph.D.
Intelligent Design— SALVO #34— 8 MIN. READ The ENCODE Embroilment, Part IV Rewriting History Won't Erase Bad Evolutionary Predictions by Casey Luskin
Euthanasia— SALVO #34— 4 MIN. READ Suicide Boosters The Economist & the Euthanasia Agenda by Michael Cook
Abortion— SALVO #34— 3 MIN. READ <em>Salvo</em> in 3-D The Sexual, Social & Scientific Dimensions to Abortion by James M. Kushiner
Civilization— SALVO #34— 6 MIN. READ Painful Pursuits Human Suspension & the Soul's Quest for Peace by Terrell Clemmons
Civilization— SALVO #34— 6 MIN. READ Novel Threat Does Orwell's 1984 Foreshadow a New Danger? by Cameron Wybrow
Intelligent Design— SALVO #34— 3 MIN. READ Night Vision Seeing the World Correctly Requires the Right Light by James M. Kushiner