Intelligent Design— SALVO #72— 8 MIN. READ Darwin's Orphan Nemesis An Army of Orphan Genes Plagues Evolutionary Theory by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #71— 9 MIN. READ Which Came First? It’s Not Just about Chickens & Eggs by Guillermo Gonzalez and Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #70— 8 MIN. READ God & the Odds of ET New Space Telescopes Aren’t the Only Game Changer by Jonathan Witt
Scientism— SALVO #69— 8 MIN. READ Evolutionary Flimflam Common Parlor Tricks in Science Reporting by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #68— 7 MIN. READ Reaping the Wokewind When Materialism Turns on Its Own by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #67— 8 MIN. READ Nothing to See Here! Inquiring Minds Dare Not Question Dominant Narratives by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #66— 8 MIN. READ Ingeniously Made Systems Biology & the Engineer Who Leaves Big Tech in the Dust by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #65— 8 MIN. READ Rank Racism Darwin's Deadly Racist Views on Homo Sapiens by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #64— 9 MIN. READ The Unidentified Intelligence Paradox The Search for ET Artifacts Misses the Elephant by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #62— 8 MIN. READ The Giraffe’s Neck Its Evolutionary Explanation Is One Long Stretch by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #61— 6 MIN. READ A Deep-Running Miracle A Review of "The Miracle of Man: The Fine Tuning of Nature for Human Existence" by Michael Denton by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #60— 10 MIN. READ Lost in Sequence Space The Darwinian Mechanism's Problem of Ballooning Improbabilities by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #59— 11 MIN. READ Monkey Business Intelligent Design in the Hit Show "Community" by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #58— 9 MIN. READ The Weasel Program What Hath Darwin to Do with Shakespeare, Richard Dawkins? by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #57— 10 MIN. READ Don’t Ask Common Descent or Common Design? by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #56— 6 MIN. READ Darwin's Black Bog The Case for Blind Evolution Remains Stuck by Jonathan Witt
Scientism— SALVO #54— 9 MIN. READ Art for Nothing Darwinism & the Devolution of Story by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #53— 9 MIN. READ Watching Our Maker Both Theology & Science Undermine New Conjectures About God & Evolution by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #52— 9 MIN. READ Darwin's Silver Chair Its Grip on the Modern West Remains Spellbinding by Jonathan Witt
Intelligent Design— SALVO #51— 10 MIN. READ Mom Genes My Investigation into the Possibility of Adam & Eve—the First Human Pair by Ann Gauger
Intelligent Design— SALVO #50— 8 MIN. READ The Evolving Curtain The Darwinian Regime Can't Hide the Emerging Clues to Life's Design by Ann Gauger
Intelligent Design— SALVO #49— 8 MIN. READ Design in Three Dimensions C. S. Lewis Can Help Us See Through the "Nothing Buttery" of Our Age by Ann Gauger
Intelligent Design— SALVO #48— 9 MIN. READ Behe Right or Wrong A Scrappy Microbiologist Won't Back Down & Advances His Case by Ann Gauger
Bioethics— SALVO #47— 9 MIN. READ Meaningful Gifts The Transcendental Treasury of Truth, Beauty & Goodness by Ann Gauger
Intelligent Design— SALVO #46— 7 MIN. READ Beyond Adaptation The Human Brain Is Something New by Ann Gauger
Intelligent Design— SALVO #45— 9 MIN. READ Prodigal Signs Pervasive Beauty Leads Us Home by Ann Gauger
Intelligent Design— SALVO #44— 8 MIN. READ Cool Crazy Idea Intelligent Design Catches On in Brazil by Jonathan Wells
Intelligent Design— SALVO #43— 8 MIN. READ Optimal Optics Evolutionists Don't Know a Good Eye When They See One by Jonathan Wells
Intelligent Design— SALVO #41— 8 MIN. READ Whale of a Tale Or Why Bears Still Swim with Paws by Jonathan Wells
Intelligent Design— SALVO #40— 8 MIN. READ Zombie Science Darwin's Theory Feeds on Raw Materialism by Jonathan Wells
Intelligent Design— SALVO #39— 7 MIN. READ Undeniable Design A Child's Intuition of Purpose in the Natural World Is No Accident by Jonathan Wells
Scientism— SALVO #7— 8 MIN. READ Reverse Psychology When It Comes to Human Behavior, Darwinian Hindsight Is Always 20/20 by Casey Luskin
Scientism— SALVO #8— 6 MIN. READ Darwin's Acid Isn't That Really Just "Science of the Gaps?" by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #10— 9 MIN. READ The Big Ida The Rise & Fall of Another Missing Link & Other Media Hype by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #11— 7 MIN. READ Evolution's Trilemma After 150 Years It Takes More Than a Quantum Leap to Vindicate Darwin by Terrell Clemmons
Intelligent Design— SALVO #38— 9 MIN. READ Life Exponential DNA Is Only Part of Life's Multidimensional Design by Jonathan Wells
Intelligent Design— SALVO #18— 7 MIN. READ DNA Trash Talk Questions for Jonathan Wells on The Myth of Junk DNA by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #19— 9 MIN. READ Eyeballing Design "Biomimetics" Exposes Attacks on ID as Poorly Designed by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #20— 8 MIN. READ Bio-Mechanics Don't the Intricacy & Ubiquity of Molecular Machines Provide Evidence for Design? by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #21— 10 MIN. READ The Evolution Lobby We Can Reasonably Dismiss the Claims of Theistic Darwinists by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #22— 8 MIN. READ Deity Added Theistic Evolution Is Nearly as Problematic as Atheistic Darwinism by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #25— 9 MIN. READ Once Upon a Raft Biogeography, Common Descent & Seafaring Monkeys by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #27— 7 MIN. READ Logged Out Why Scientists Can’t Reconstruct Darwin's "Tree of Life" by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #30— 5 MIN. READ Heads or Tales How Evolutionary Theory "Predicts" What It Finds by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #29— 5 MIN. READ Textbook Tales Embryology and the Descent of Biology Education by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #31— 8 MIN. READ The ENCODE Embroilment, Part I Why Are Biologists Lashing Out Against Empirically Verified Research Results? by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #32— 8 MIN. READ The ENCODE Embroilment, Part II Denying Data Won't Change the Emerging Facts of Biology by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #33— 11 MIN. READ The ENCODE Embroilment, Part III Evolution Proves Our Genome Is Junky . . . Which Proves Evolution . . . by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #34— 8 MIN. READ The ENCODE Embroilment, Part IV Rewriting History Won't Erase Bad Evolutionary Predictions by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #35— 9 MIN. READ Hominid Hype, Take 2015 This Time It's "Homo Naledi" by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #36— 5 MIN. READ The Flight Stuff Biological Design Inspires Aircraft Engineering by Daniel Currier
Intelligent Design— SALVO #37— 7 MIN. READ Greater Than the Sum Why the Design in Living Things Goes Far Beyond Machinery by Jonathan Wells