Intelligent Design— SALVO #72— 8 MIN. READ Not in Our Stars Where Are All the Aliens? by John D. Martin
Philosophy— SALVO #71— 7 MIN. READ Higgins Boats 2.0 Reclaiming Ground to Argue for the Existence of God by Norman Sharrer
LGBTQ+— SALVO #70— 8 MIN. READ Y It Matters When It Comes to Strength & Speed, It Matters a Lot by Bruce Woodall
Intelligent Design— SALVO #69— 8 MIN. READ Subatomic Weirdness The Bizarre, Baffling, Beautiful Design of Nothing (& Everything) by Ken Pedersen
Technology— SALVO #68— 8 MIN. READ Sense & Insentience Artificial Intelligence & the Power of Language by Keith Lowery
Scientism— SALVO #67— 7 MIN. READ Groupthink Fantasies How Scientists Get Stuck in Dead-End Research by Ken Pedersen
Education— SALVO #66— 8 MIN. READ Students Without Heads? How an English Textbook Performs Mass Lobotomies Without a Scalpel by D. Joy Riley
Intelligent Design— SALVO #65— 7 MIN. READ Flights of Imagination An Engineer Examines Darwinian Explanations by Dan Waddill
Philosophy— SALVO #64— 9 MIN. READ Mind Your Mind Intellectual Discipleship Is Essential for Christian Flourishing by Annie Crawford and Melissa Cain Travis
Scientism— SALVO #63— 8 MIN. READ Frothy View The Multiverse Is an Attempt to Avoid the Implication of Cosmic Fine-Tuning by John D. Martin
Religion— SALVO #62— 8 MIN. READ The Legend of Social Justice Jesus The Latest Revision of the Biblical Messiah Examined by Greg Koukl
Intelligent Design— SALVO #59— 8 MIN. READ Science Settled The Big Bang & Christian Cosmology by Michael S. Guintard
Race— SALVO #58— 7 MIN. READ Social-Justifying the Means The Move from Equality to Equity Invites Tyranny by Regis Nicoll
Civilization— SALVO #57— 8 MIN. READ Canceling Western Civilization Woke Fundamentalism’s Iconoclasm Is Just as Destructive as ISIS’s by Robin Phillips
Education— SALVO #56— 7 MIN. READ In Defense of The Ancients Why Historical Christianity Is Needed Now More Than Ever by Bryan M. Litfin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #54— 8 MIN. READ The Grandest Program The Hyper-Dynamics of Your DNA Will Blow Your Mind! by Ken Pedersen
Scientism— SALVO #52— 7 MIN. READ Bits & Bytes at the Bottom A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Modern Scientific Materialism's Victory Party by Jonathan Witt and Ken Pedersen
Religion— SALVO #51— 8 MIN. READ Who Made Whom? A Big Bang of Religions Sets the Stage for God by Regis Nicoll
Scientism— SALVO #50— 17 MIN. READ The Soul of Science Good Scientists Think (& Speak) Like Good Theologians by Thomas S. Buchanan
Education— SALVO #49— 10 MIN. READ Overprotected Safe Spaces, Trigger Warnings & Holding Teachers Hostage by Heather Zeiger
LGBTQ+— SALVO #39— 10 MIN. READ Bodies of Evidence What a New Scientific Study Shows & Does Not Show About Sex—and About Science by Richard N. Williams
Religion— SALVO #16— 8 MIN. READ Renaissance 2.0 A Review of Nancy Pearcey's Saving Leonardo: A Call to Resist the Secular Assault on Mind, Morals, and Meaning by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— SALVO #38— 9 MIN. READ Doctors Delusional Transgender Disorder & Really Bad Psychiatry by Boris Vatel, M.D.
Philosophy— SALVO #17— 10 MIN. READ Suffering Defeated A Dialogue About God & the Problem of Evil by Greg L. Bock
Religion— SALVO #18— 9 MIN. READ Secular Fantasies The Golden Rule Is Powerless Without Judeo-Christian Presuppositions by Regis Nicoll
Scientism— SALVO #19— 10 MIN. READ Intelligence Central Just the Facts Even an Educated Atheist Can Understand by Regis Nicoll
Philosophy— SALVO #20— 11 MIN. READ The Illusionist How Herbert Marcuse Convinced a Generation that Censorship Is Tolerance & Other Politically Correct Tricks by Robin Phillips
Education— SALVO #21— 12 MIN. READ The Neuro Transformers Culture & the Malleability of the Human Brain by Robin Phillips
Philosophy— SALVO #23— 12 MIN. READ Homo Credens Everybody Has Faith Even After They Lose It by Regis Nicoll
LGBTQ+— SALVO #22— 8 MIN. READ Apples, Oranges & Gay Marriage Or the Name Game & Hidden Assumptions by Robin Phillips
Education— SALVO #24— 8 MIN. READ Just Brilliant! Three Things Only a PhD Can Believe by Louis Markos
Religion— SALVO #25— 8 MIN. READ Speak No Evil Judging by the New Blasphemy Code, Moral Views Are Excluded by Regis Nicoll
Civilization— SALVO #27— 11 MIN. READ The Road to Dystopia Two Novelists Warned Us. Will Fiction Become Fact? by Arthur W. Hunt III
Education— SALVO #28— 11 MIN. READ Highly Creative Three More Things Only a PhD Can Believe by Louis Markos
Religion— SALVO #30— 12 MIN. READ Field Training Advice from a Young Christian Apologist by Jonathan McLatchie
Education— SALVO #29— 11 MIN. READ Virtues Reinvented Social Engineering the New Vices by Louis Markos
Education— SALVO #31— 9 MIN. READ School Deform How Common Core Promotes Cultural Engineering by Killing the Imagination by Robin Phillips
Education— SALVO #33— 12 MIN. READ No Progress Report How Deafness to Wise Old Voices Distorts the Past, Present & Future by Jason Morgan
Intelligent Design— SALVO #34— 5 MIN. READ Cosmic Seer Georges Lemaître, the Catholic Priest Behind the Big Bang by Ray Cavanaugh
Intelligent Design— SALVO #35— 7 MIN. READ A Beautiful Science Intuition & Aesthetics Lead to Empirical Knowledge by David Anderson, Ph.D.
Transhumanism— SALVO #37— 10 MIN. READ From Me to Eternity Does Virtual Immortality Await You in the New Lifelogs? by Heather Zeiger