Bioethics— SALVO #72— 15 MIN. READ Transgender Patient Zero Remembering David Reimer & the Dark History of “Gender-Affirming Care” by Bruce Woodall
Intelligent Design— SALVO #72— 9 MIN. READ Naturally Optimized Why We Can Be Grateful for “Natural Disasters” by Hugh Ross
Philosophy— SALVO #71— 9 MIN. READ Redeeming Struggle Leveraging Hardship for Growth by Robin Phillips
Technology— SALVO #71— 11 MIN. READ Good Tech, Bad Tech Moral Principles for Discerning Good Uses from Bad by Keith Lowery
Intelligent Design— SALVO #71— 8 MIN. READ In the Beginning James Webb Space Telescope Affirms Creation by Hugh Ross
Technology— SALVO #70— 14 MIN. READ Artificial Lovers AI Girlfriends & the Metaphysics of Being Human by Robin Phillips
Intelligent Design— SALVO #70— 7 MIN. READ Sun Spotting Is the Aurora Borealis a Beautiful Wonder or a Portent of Doom? by Hugh Ross
Technology— SALVO #70— 3 MIN. READ Internet Time Shock A sidebar to Artificial Lovers by Robin Phillips
Religion— SALVO #69— 8 MIN. READ Is America a Christian Nation? Examining the Faith of the People Based on Survey Responses by Daniel Witt
Civilization— SALVO #69— 8 MIN. READ Killer Air Solution Air Pollution, Creation Stewardship & Human Wellbeing by Hugh Ross
Sex— SALVO #69— 13 MIN. READ Intersexual Politics Check the Facts: How Common Is Intersex? And Why Does It Matter? by Leonard Sax
Intelligent Design— SALVO #68— 11 MIN. READ Comb Jellies for the Win Sponges May Not Be the Oldest Anymore. What Does This Mean for the “Tree of Life”? by Daniel Witt
Technology— SALVO #68— 12 MIN. READ The Digital Odyssey From Nymph Goddesses to Chatbots by Robin Phillips
Intelligent Design— SALVO #68— 15 MIN. READ Signs in the Sky The Wonder of Our Solar Eclipses by Guillermo Gonzalez
Technology— SALVO #67— 12 MIN. READ Technotopian Bargain How Bot-Driven Governance Threatens to Undermine Democracy by Robin Phillips
Technology— SALVO #67— 10 MIN. READ Stars Stricken Saving Astronomy—and More—in the Age of Technology by Hugh Ross
Civilization— SALVO #67— 15 MIN. READ The Nigerian Experiment Darwinism vs. Christianity & the Results of Colonial Rule by Amanda Witt
Bioethics— SALVO #66— 5 MIN. READ States of Surveillance European Data Mining in the Name of Welfare-Fraud Detection by Neil English
Intelligent Design— SALVO #66— 15 MIN. READ Life’s “Abominable” Big Bang The Cambrian Explosion as Evidence for Intelligent Design by Günter Bechly
Technology— SALVO #66— 11 MIN. READ Serving the Machine AI & the Specter of Digital Totalitarianism by Robin Phillips
Intelligent Design— SALVO #66— 9 MIN. READ Super Moon Without Our Lunar Partner There Would Be No Life on Earth by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #65— 15 MIN. READ Science & the Wildness of Aslan Wisdom Counsels Intellectual Humility in the Scientific Enterprise by Jonathan Witt
Technology— SALVO #65— 14 MIN. READ Mimicking the Machine How I Was Almost Taken Over by AI; and Why an Entire Generation Could Be Next by Robin Phillips
Intelligent Design— SALVO #65— 8 MIN. READ Homo Fabricator Is Tool Use Monkey Business or Unique to Humans? by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #65— 4 MIN. READ Who's in the Human Family? A Sidebar to "Homo Fabricator" by Hugh Ross by Casey Luskin
Technology— SALVO #64— 12 MIN. READ Cannot Compute The Limits of AI: Separating Computer Science Fact from Computer Science Fiction by Robert J. Marks
Intelligent Design— SALVO #64— 11 MIN. READ Ingenious Ants How the Humble Leafcutter Ant Exhibits Complex Programmed Behaviors by Emily Morales
Intelligent Design— SALVO #64— 8 MIN. READ New Eyes on the Heavens Insights from the James Webb Space Telescope by Hugh Ross
Bioethics— SALVO #63— 6 MIN. READ Products of Con(tra)ception Hormonal Birth Control Was Ill-Conceived from the Start by Terrell Clemmons
Scientism— SALVO #63— 12 MIN. READ A Singular Techno-Savior Singularitarians Await the Advent of Their Blessed Hope, the Conscious Computer by Clay Jones
Transhumanism— SALVO #63— 9 MIN. READ Souls Searched Out Four Lines of Evidence for the Existence of a Nonmaterial Soul by Bob Perry
Religion— SALVO #63— 8 MIN. READ Created Aliens The Bible Affirms the Existence of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence by Hugh Ross
Transhumanism— SALVO #62— 13 MIN. READ Brainiacs The Mythical Pipedreams of Transhumanist Tech Execs by Clay Jones
Education— SALVO #62— 11 MIN. READ Stealth Education The Successful Humanist Subversion of Public Schooling by Alex Newman
Intelligent Design— SALVO #62— 8 MIN. READ Ground Zero Why Einstein’s Theory Is Such a Big Deal by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #61— 11 MIN. READ Unnecessary Shame What Lessons Can Christians Learn from the Evangelical Debate Over Adam & Eve? by Casey Luskin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #61— 16 MIN. READ The Ghosts of Modern Science How Darwin & Huxley Redefined the World by Jason Cherry
Intelligent Design— SALVO #61— 9 MIN. READ A Biological Big Bang The Cambrian Explosion Becomes More Explosive by Hugh Ross
Transhumanism— SALVO #60— 14 MIN. READ What the Wartortle?! On Augmented Reality & Our Impending Blended Digitized Future by Robin Phillips
Intelligent Design— SALVO #60— 8 MIN. READ Sun in a Million The Case for the Rarity of Our Solar System Strengthens by Hugh Ross
Education— SALVO #60— 3 MIN. READ The Power of Greek & Latin How the Classics Seek to Make Whole What the Woke Want to Fragment by Rick Reed
Culture— SALVO #59— 13 MIN. READ After Tragedy How the Tragic Became an Anachronism in the Modern World by Robin Phillips
Intelligent Design— SALVO #59— 9 MIN. READ The Red Sky Paradox The Sun & Sky Should Be Red—But They Aren't by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #58— 11 MIN. READ Metamorphosis Another Severe Challenge to Darwinian Evolution by Tom Siewert and Elizabeth Siewert
Intelligent Design— SALVO #58— 8 MIN. READ Still Looking for a Date Uncertainties & Systematic Errors in Dating Human Origins by Hugh Ross
Bioethics— SALVO #57— 9 MIN. READ Being a Person "Expressive Individualism" Ignores a Full Human Experience by Heather Zeiger
LGBTQ+— SALVO #57— 10 MIN. READ Finding a Different Path New Laws Are Making It Harder to Get Help Walking Away from LGBTQ-ism by John D. Martin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #57— 11 MIN. READ The Odds & the Ends The Chances of Our Three-Tiered Reality Being a Meaningless Accident Are Nil by Ken Pedersen
Intelligent Design— SALVO #57— 9 MIN. READ No Place Like Home? Are There Planets More Habitable Than Earth? by Hugh Ross
Media— SALVO #56— 8 MIN. READ Our Search for Meaning Three False Paths That Will Lead You Astray by John D. Martin
Scientism— SALVO #56— 7 MIN. READ Scientifically Challenged Our Candid Dialogue, Research Addiction & Steps to Avoid Default Atheism by Hugh Ross
Education— SALVO #56— 12 MIN. READ School Futures Questionable Assumptions About Virtual Education by Robin Phillips
Education— SALVO #55— 10 MIN. READ The Epic Struggle Is Real Five Greco-Roman Myths That Christians Can Learn From by Louis Markos
Race— SALVO #55— 10 MIN. READ Revolution, Inc. Angry Isms & Destructive Theories Combine to Divide the Country by Laurie Higgins
Intelligent Design— SALVO #55— 8 MIN. READ The Milky Way Diet Our Galaxy's Just-Right Consumption Habits by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #55— 10 MIN. READ A Piece of Work Intelligent Design & the Restoration of Story by Jonathan Witt
Marriage & Family— SALVO #54— 12 MIN. READ Families & the Economy Perils & Opportunities by Allan C. Carlson
Intelligent Design— SALVO #54— 8 MIN. READ Set for Life The Exquisite Design of Earth's Internal Thermostat by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #53— 11 MIN. READ Immaterial Mind Kenneth Miller's Epic Failure of Evolutionary Guesswork by Richard W. Stevens
Bioethics— SALVO #53— 10 MIN. READ Serving the Imperfect The Stark Choice Between Compassion & Fear-Fueled Modern Eugenics by John D. Martin
Intelligent Design— SALVO #53— 8 MIN. READ The Speciation Enigma The Presumed Evolutionary & Fossil Record Trees Are Strikingly Divergent by Hugh Ross
Abortion— SALVO #52— 4 MIN. READ Verbal Assault With Lethal Words, Abortion Apologists Attempt New Cover-Ups by Laurie Higgins
Culture— SALVO #52— 13 MIN. READ Fashionable Fascists Jordan Peterson & the Toxic Ideology of Identity Politics by Robin Phillips
Civilization— SALVO #52— 7 MIN. READ Ecological Timber Healthy Forests, Wise & Wealthy Foresters by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #51— 13 MIN. READ Planetary Jewel Earth's Story Is One in a Billion by Neil English
Intelligent Design— SALVO #51— 7 MIN. READ Thinning Margins Two More Habitable Zones Expand the Case for Design by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #50— 14 MIN. READ Origin Stories Why Life Is Beginning to Seem Very Special Indeed by Neil English
Porn— SALVO #50— 12 MIN. READ The Drug That Fuels Human Trafficking How One City Is Challenging the Porn-Trafficking Axis by Robin Phillips
Intelligent Design— SALVO #50— 8 MIN. READ Dark Matters Our Unique, Optimal-for-Life, Supermassive Black Hole by Hugh Ross
Marriage & Family— SALVO #49— 6 MIN. READ Mama of Mamas Restoring Eve in the Face of Feminist Furies by Terrell Clemmons
Intelligent Design— SALVO #49— 8 MIN. READ Dramatic Direction The Great "'Cene Change" That Made Civilization Possible by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #49— 11 MIN. READ Far & Away Above Average The Demise of the Drake Equation = The Death of the Copernican Principle by John D. Martin
Philosophy— SALVO #49— 8 MIN. READ What the Bleep?! Metaphysics, Micro Worlds & Quantum Quackery by Regis Nicoll
Intelligent Design— SALVO #48— 11 MIN. READ Age Doesn't Matter Both Young & Old Earths Are Way Too Young for Darwin's Idea to Survive by Tom Siewert and Elizabeth Siewert
Intelligent Design— SALVO #48— 12 MIN. READ Nothing to Go On Materialist Explanations for the Origin of the Universe Come Up Empty by Casey Luskin , Gary Kemper and Hallie Kemper
Intelligent Design— SALVO #48— 8 MIN. READ Lost & Found Four Astronomical Discoveries of "Missing Matter" Support Cosmic Creation by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #47— 11 MIN. READ Moral Law Argument 2.0 Objective Evidence for God by Richard W. Stevens
Marriage & Family— SALVO #47— 12 MIN. READ Do You Like Me? The Contradictory Worlds of Today's Teen Girls by Heather Zeiger
Intelligent Design— SALVO #47— 8 MIN. READ Dreadful & Designed Mystery & Theology in the Ancient Helicoprion by Timothy J. Burbery
Intelligent Design— SALVO #47— 5 MIN. READ Seeing Stars Hazy Early Earth Affirms the Bible's Account of Creation by Hugh Ross
LGBTQ+— SALVO #46— 12 MIN. READ Battle Royale The LGBTQ Lobby Goes to the Mat Over Toilet Space by Amy Contrada
Intelligent Design— SALVO #46— 9 MIN. READ The Miracle Element Fine Tuning & the Carbonization of Worlds by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #45— 9 MIN. READ Star Merger A Life-Changing Gift Helps Explain Why We're Here by Hugh Ross
Civilization— SALVO #45— 12 MIN. READ Streetwise Neighbors' Eyes What Jane Jacobs Saw in Cities That Thrive by Erik Schaug
Marriage & Family— SALVO #44— 14 MIN. READ Suffer These Children True Confessions of a Guardian ad Litem by Raymond J. Brown
Intelligent Design— SALVO #44— 8 MIN. READ Wonderfully Made The Amazingly Accurate Prenatal Imagery of Psalm 139 by Fazale Rana
Marriage & Family— SALVO #43— 13 MIN. READ A Boy's Life 5 Recommendations for Shielding Our Sons from the Anti-Culture—And Setting Them Towards Manhood by Anthony Esolen
Intelligent Design— SALVO #43— 10 MIN. READ No Going Back? Breaking Dollo's Law Brings Home the Case for Creation by Fazale Rana
LGBTQ+— SALVO #42— 17 MIN. READ Engendered Confusion The Chaos of Postmodern Sexuality by Laurie Higgins
Technology— SALVO #42— 12 MIN. READ Bot Behavior Whether Humans or Robots, We Need Moral Programming by Richard W. Stevens
Intelligent Design— SALVO #42— 9 MIN. READ Genomes & Genesis New DNA Research Gives More -Evidence for Our Intelligent Design by Fazale Rana
Intelligent Design— SALVO #41— 11 MIN. READ It's Beyond Us Extraordinary Claims Need an Extraordinary Cosmos by Regis Nicoll
Intelligent Design— SALVO #41— 9 MIN. READ Timing Is Everything Earth's Mass Extinction Cycle & Life's Long History by Hugh Ross
Religion— SALVO #41— 14 MIN. READ Eye Openers Eight Common Factors for Atheists Changing Their Minds About God by Matt Nelson
Intelligent Design— SALVO #40— 10 MIN. READ Meta Math Why Materialism Can't Possibly Add Up to Reality by Charles Edward White
Intelligent Design— SALVO #40— 16 MIN. READ Champ Change Darwinism's Rumble in the Jungle by Regis Nicoll
Intelligent Design— SALVO #40— 9 MIN. READ Remains to be Seen On Discovering Extraterrestial Life & Extraterrestrial Intelligence by Hugh Ross
Philosophy— SALVO #39— 14 MIN. READ Cogito; Ergo Deus Est Philosophy Still Lives Because God Isn't Dead by Charles Edward White
Intelligent Design— SALVO #39— 8 MIN. READ Zone 9 in Outer Space The Known Habitable Zones & One Remarkable Planet by Hugh Ross
College Life— SALVO #5— 23 MIN. READ Pick Your Poison Academic Bias Is Ubiquitous, but Choosing the Right College Can Minimize the Damage by Les Sillars and John Baise
Scientism— SALVO #7— 16 MIN. READ New and Unimproved Atheism's Brash but Ineffectual Makeover by Karen Swallow Prior
Religion— SALVO #7— 16 MIN. READ The Apologist An Interview with Dinesh D'Souza, Author of "What's So Great About Christianity" by Marcia Segelstein
Scientism— SALVO #7— 13 MIN. READ Our Smear Campaign Congratulations, My Fellow Atheists; We Have Successfully Demonized Religion (However Speciously) by Les Sillars
Scientism— SALVO #7— 12 MIN. READ Blinded by Science? Don't Be; That's Just the New Atheists Masking Their Faith Choice by Terrell Clemmons
Scientism— SALVO #7— 18 MIN. READ Unequal to the Task Four Things That Atheism Can't Explain About the Universe by Christopher Shubert
Philosophy— SALVO #7— 16 MIN. READ The Recovered Atheist How the "Naïve Impression of Evil" Saved Me from a Lifetime of Dread and Despair by Marc LiVecche
Bioethics— SALVO #8— 14 MIN. READ Rest in Pieces A Monologue: How to Lose Your Body Parts Before You’re Definitely Dead by Les Sillars
Abortion— SALVO #8— 18 MIN. READ Tired of Life? Even If We Have More Choices, There Is Only One That's Right by Mark Linville
College Life— SALVO #10— 10 MIN. READ Party Schools David Horowitz Zeros In on the Indoctrination of Students by Ideologues by Marcia Segelstein
Scientism— SALVO #11— 8 MIN. READ Scientocracy Rules Creating Consensus Is the PC Way to Get Smart by Casey Luskin
Marriage & Family— SALVO #11— 9 MIN. READ Brood Comments Grown-Ups Say the Darnedest Things About Having Kids by Carrie Frederick Frost
LGBTQ+— SALVO #11— 14 MIN. READ Gender Benders Is My Sexual Identity an Accident Just Waiting to Happen? by Robin Phillips
College Life— SALVO #12— 9 MIN. READ Hollowed Halls Confession of an Ivy League President by Paul J. Maurer
Marriage & Family— SALVO #12— 5 MIN. READ Mad About Babies What’s Sex Got to Do with It? by Jennifer Fulwiler
Education— SALVO #12— 11 MIN. READ Rotten Apple Awards Sex Ed Based on Lies Is Child Abuse by Marcia Segelstein
Intelligent Design— SALVO #12— 9 MIN. READ Signs of Desperation? Early Responses to Signature in the Cell Are Easily Dismissed by Casey Luskin
Marriage & Family— SALVO #13— 11 MIN. READ No Fault Kids Timid Parents & the New Anger They're Facing by Marcia Segelstein
Porn— SALVO #13— 23 MIN. READ Slave Master How Pornography & Drugs Changes Your Brain by Donald L. Hilton, Jr.
Scientism— SALVO #13— 8 MIN. READ Sleepless in the Physics Lab 7 Cosmic Questions That Induce Insomnia by Regis Nicoll
Civilization— SALVO #14— 11 MIN. READ Baby Freeze Is Population Control the New Solution to Global Warming? by Robin Phillips
Scientism— SALVO #14— 7 MIN. READ Radio Silence Still Searching for Wisdom in the Sky by Regis Nicoll
Abortion— SALVO #14— 13 MIN. READ A Buried Grief Finally, There Is More Help for Women Hurt by Abortion by Marcia Segelstein
Intelligent Design— SALVO #15— 8 MIN. READ Gandalf on Mars What Bleeping Codes Say About Intelligent Design by Richard W. Stevens
Marriage & Family— SALVO #15— 9 MIN. READ The Jonas Profit How Two Goats & One Big Family Found Their Calling by Terrell Clemmons
LGBTQ+— SALVO #15— 11 MIN. READ Wedding Plans What's the Harm in the Same-Sex Marriage Agenda? by Alan F. H. Wisdom
Intelligent Design— SALVO #16— 14 MIN. READ Sci-Fact or Sci-Fi? What We Won't Learn from Hyped-Up Science News Headlines by Casey Luskin
Education— SALVO #16— 7 MIN. READ Visually Impaired Roald Dahl's Warning About Screen Entertainment Might Open Some Eyes by Michael S. Moynihan
Sex— SALVO #16— 12 MIN. READ Intercourse Correction The Devaluation of Chastity Before Marriage & How It Might Be Recovered by Marcia Segelstein
LGBTQ+— SALVO #38— 11 MIN. READ The New Sex Primer Transgenderism Is Forced into Public Schools by Laurie Higgins
Intelligent Design— SALVO #38— 9 MIN. READ Creation Event Horizon Gravity Discovery Makes for Big Waves by Hugh Ross
Porn— SALVO #9— 19 MIN. READ Blindsided Kids Thanks to the Internet and the Supreme Court, Pornography Is Now Available In Every Home In America by Marcia Segelstein and Marcia Segelstein
Scientism— SALVO #9— 7 MIN. READ Gimme That Spacetime Religion Seeking Salvation in Science by Regis Nicoll
Marriage & Family— SALVO #9— 12 MIN. READ Born to Split Is Divorce Simply a Matter of Genes? by S. T. Karnick
Sex— SALVO #17— 10 MIN. READ Try Before You Buy? Not If You Are Looking for a Marriage That Will Endure Inevitable Trials by Greg Koukl
Scientism— SALVO #17— 9 MIN. READ Schizophrenic About Science The "Party of Science" Is Nothing of the Sort by Regis Nicoll
Scientism— SALVO #18— 11 MIN. READ X-Men Ethics Class Why Help the Weak If It Thwarts Evolution? by Cameron Wybrow
Porn— SALVO #18— 14 MIN. READ Lie Charts A New Book Explains How Kinsey Perverted a Nation with False Science by Marcia Segelstein
Scientism— SALVO #19— 13 MIN. READ Hunter-Gatherer Nut Cases Let's Just Reduce Our Altruism, Morals & Love to Brain Waves by Tom Gilson
Intelligent Design— SALVO #19— 8 MIN. READ Biological Software Darwin Can't Connect Your iPod to a Printer by Richard W. Stevens
Porn— SALVO #19— 11 MIN. READ Sex & the Kiddies The Sexualization of Children & How Advertising & Entertainment Change Their Brains by Robin Phillips
Intelligent Design— SALVO #19— 9 MIN. READ Save the Whales! Monsters Well-Designed for the Earth's Ecosystem by Hugh Ross
Abortion— SALVO #20— 12 MIN. READ American Nightmare New Hit TV Series Is Haunted by Infidelity & Abortion by Karen Swallow Prior
Intelligent Design— SALVO #20— 7 MIN. READ Mass Appeal On How the Vastness of Space Makes It Possible for You To Be Here by Hugh Ross
Civilization— SALVO #20— 6 MIN. READ Postscript Earth Let's Imagine a World Lacking People to Write About It by Regis Nicoll
Porn— SALVO #21— 9 MIN. READ Artificial Wife Not If But When Marriage Becomes Extinct by Regis Nicoll
Intelligent Design— SALVO #21— 7 MIN. READ Galactic Green Our Milky Way Is Amazingly Designed for Life by Hugh Ross
Sex— SALVO #21— 12 MIN. READ Facing Chastity The Unpopular Virtue We Need to Make a Comeback by Marcia Segelstein
Marriage & Family— SALVO #21— 10 MIN. READ Daycare Denial Inconvenient Truths About Childcare Subvert the Very Best Intentions by Marcia Segelstein
Marriage & Family— SALVO #23— 10 MIN. READ Family Skewed When the Needs of Children Are Secondary to the Desires of Adults, Guess Who Keeps Losing? by Marcia Segelstein
LGBTQ+— SALVO #23— 15 MIN. READ Unmaking a Difference Is Gender Neutrality the New Stereotype? by Robin Phillips
Scientism— SALVO #22— 8 MIN. READ Rally for Nothing A Monologue to Help Atheists with Their Public Relations by Les Sillars
Scientism— SALVO #22— 13 MIN. READ Bunk Science If Peer Review Is Working, Why All the Retractions? by Denyse O'Leary
Sex— SALVO #24— 11 MIN. READ Holy Matrimony The Unexpected Connection Between Religion & Sexual Fulfillment by Robin Phillips
Intelligent Design— SALVO #25— 11 MIN. READ Software for Sex Successful Mating Habits Require Intelligent Programming by Richard W. Stevens
Feminism— SALVO #25— 9 MIN. READ Mixed Companies Women in Combat, Feminism & Misogyny by Robin Phillips
Abortion— SALVO #26— 11 MIN. READ Killing with Blindness Abortion After Dr. Gosnell by Marcia Segelstein
Intelligent Design— SALVO #26— 24 MIN. READ In the Beginning Episodes in the Origin & Development of Science by Michael Keas
Religion— SALVO #26— 16 MIN. READ "Faith" No More It's Time We Did Away with the Notion of Religious Wishful Thinking by Greg Koukl
Philosophy— SALVO #27— 9 MIN. READ The Zombie Killers Nihilism Threatens Us with the Walking Dead by Regis Nicoll
Feminism— SALVO #27— 15 MIN. READ The Massacre of Valentine's Day Feminism’s V-Day Eliminates Men, Marriage & Romance—and Kills Sex by Robin Phillips
Marriage & Family— SALVO #28— 9 MIN. READ Repro-Technology Artificial Conception & Its Discontents by Mark Oshinskie
LGBTQ+— SALVO #28— 13 MIN. READ Don't Make a Right Ten Wrong Arguments for Same-Sex Marriage Refuted by Regis Nicoll
Abortion— SALVO #30— 11 MIN. READ Fatal Errors Debunking Ten Common Pro-Choice Arguments by Regis Nicoll
Intelligent Design— SALVO #30— 10 MIN. READ Earth in the Zone The Impossibly Habitable Planet by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #29— 9 MIN. READ Moon Strike Lunar Origin Causes "Philosophical Disquiet" by Hugh Ross
LGBTQ+— SALVO #29— 9 MIN. READ Ill Founders The Sex Educators Who Spawned Today's Madness by Miriam Grossman
Civilization— SALVO #31— 16 MIN. READ Dying to Feel Good Modern Self-Realization & the Painkiller Addiction Epidemic by Heather Zeiger
LGBTQ+— SALVO #31— 7 MIN. READ The New Incubators How Same-Sex Marriage Is Changing the World of Surrogacy by Blake Adams
Scientism— SALVO #31— 10 MIN. READ Unsettling Science What You Hear May Be Fact, Falsehood, Fabrication, or Merely Fiat by Regis Nicoll
Religion— SALVO #32— 11 MIN. READ ISIS & the Enigma of Modernity Turning the Clock Back 1,400 Years by Robin Phillips
Intelligent Design— SALVO #32— 9 MIN. READ Jumping Jupiter & the Comets Life on Earth Would Be Impossible Without Them by Hugh Ross
Transhumanism— SALVO #32— 10 MIN. READ The New Couplings Are Human & Robot Weddings Next? by Robin Phillips
Religion— SALVO #33— 10 MIN. READ Youth Retreat Finding Where the Church Fails to Connect with Millennials & How We Can Reverse the Trend by Carmen Fowler LaBerge
Feminism— SALVO #33— 16 MIN. READ World War Sex A Global Revolution Imperils Men, Women & Children by Benjamin J. Vail
Intelligent Design— SALVO #33— 8 MIN. READ Glacial Blessings Flow Earth's Icy Past Has Yielded Bountiful Food & Beauty by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #34— 9 MIN. READ Life's Big Bangs Avalon & Cambrian (& Worldview) Explosions by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #34— 9 MIN. READ God, Ltd. Does Nothing in Evolution Make Sense Except in the Light of Bad Theology? by David Anderson, Ph.D.
Civilization— SALVO #35— 9 MIN. READ Back to Babel Modernism's Architecture Is from an Old Blueprint by Erik Schaug
Intelligent Design— SALVO #35— 9 MIN. READ Sure Signs How to Understand the Degree of Certainty in Key Discoveries by Hugh Ross
Intelligent Design— SALVO #35— 6 MIN. READ Exponential Life Epigenetics Deepens the Mystery of Design by Daniel Currier
Technology— SALVO #36— 11 MIN. READ Amazon Culture Life in the Tech Jungle: Salvo Talks with a "Missionary" in the Thick of It by Salvo
Scientism— SALVO #36— 9 MIN. READ ETI In the Sky What the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life Means for Us by Hugh Ross
Philosophy— SALVO #37— 23 MIN. READ You Gotta Believe Atheist or Not, You Already Have More Faith Than You Realize by James S. Spiegel
Intelligent Design— SALVO #37— 9 MIN. READ Acts of God Are Natural Disasters the Fundamental Evils We Think They Are? by Hugh Ross
Bioethics— SALVO #1— 17 MIN. READ Breed Between the Lines Rewriting the “Book of Life” by Les Sillars
Media— SALVO #1— 12 MIN. READ Double Features Hollywood's inconsistent take on cloning by Raymond J. Keating
Transhumanism— SALVO #1— 19 MIN. READ Better Than Human The Transhumanist Transition to a Technological Future by John Coleman
Bioethics— SALVO #1— 14 MIN. READ A Grave New World When science trumps religion, our personhood is the casualty by Hunter Baker