Civilization— SALVO #72— 2 MIN. READ War over Peace PEACE: freedom from civil or inner disturbance by Rick Reed
Religion— SALVO #70— 2 MIN. READ Godless PAGAN: n. one who is not a Christian, Muslim, or Jew; one who professes no religious belief by Rick Reed
Philosophy— SALVO #68— 2 MIN. READ Higher Goods HAPPINESS: n. a state of well-being and contentment by Rick Reed
Intelligent Design— SALVO #65— 2 MIN. READ See No Info INFORMATION: n. "knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or instruction" by Rick Reed
Sex— SALVO #63— 2 MIN. READ No-Fault Narcissism? PRIDE: n. a high or overweening opinion of one’s own qualities and attainments; an attitude of superiority over and contempt for others; inordinate self-esteem by Rick Reed
Religion— SALVO #62— 2 MIN. READ Sacred Offerings SACRIFICE: n. an act of offering to a deity something precious; something given up by Rick Reed
Culture— SALVO #61— 2 MIN. READ Must Be Nice NICE: adj. giving pleasure or joy, good and enjoyable; kind, polite, and friendly by Rick Reed
Education— SALVO #60— 2 MIN. READ Education noun. The systematic instruction, schooling, or training given to the young in preparation for the work of life by Rick Reed
Civilization— SALVO #59— 3 MIN. READ The Meaning of "Human" adj. Of, belonging to, or characteristic of man by Rick Reed